Now you can use extended-Wifi-network with the SSID name written in SSID column with new password as you entered. Means your
Duluck Alexa Device (DAD) also act as wifi extender/Hotspot.
After this you are ready to “Act … Smart” with Duluck-Alexa-Device to assist and entertain you.
Now you can listen to songs as per your ,mood desire and wish with your voice command (The particular song/set of songs,
which you wish to listen according to your mood.)
(Not the forced one’s which are playing on FM or Pre-saved songs on any device like USB Or Radio).
In case user want to switch amazon account of a particular device to another account name, then tap on your device name in device list
in Duluck-APP and go to drawer menu of that particular device.
www.duluckos.com, Customer care:- +918083666333, Email:- [email protected]
Then tap “Amazon Alexa” Icon in the list. This will take you to the Amazon login screen for that particular device. (User can link different
Duluck-Alexa enabled-Devices to different Amazon accounts.
User can swap between Bluetooth-Wifi mode remotely by pressing the Bluetooth and wifi options in drawer menu.
Press to go to
drawer menu
In case user
don't see its
device in list
then press re-