.4 Setting the tensioning roller
The tensioning roller of the indented belt of the top feeding
is mounted in a rotary way on the bedplate. The belt must be
ten-sioned as needed in such a way that there is ensured the
correct function of the transmission. Insufficient tension can
cause skipping of the teeth, on the contrary, excessive
tensioning enormously loads the mounting of the top shaft.
The setting thereof is to be done as follows:
Caution! Danger of injury!
Switch off the main switch! Before starting the
setting operation, wait until the motor stops!
- Loosen the screw (1) securing the lever of the tensioning
roller (2).
- Tension the belt as needed (theoretically, in applying the
force of 10 N in the middle of the belt with the deflection of
4 mm).
- Tighten the screw (1).
.5 Re
ent the indented belt
Before replacing the indented belt, the bottom feeding shaft
is to be removed. The procedure is as follows:
Caution! Danger of injury!
Switch off the main switch! Before starting the
setting operation, wait until the motor stops!
- Loosen the screw (1) of the tensioning roller (2) and loosen
- Loosen the screws (3) of the pulley (4) and shift it to the left
in such a way that the screws (5 and 6) of the feeding clutch
(7) are accessible.
- Loosen the screws (5 and 6).
- Loosen the screws (8) of the axial ring (9).
- Loosen the screw (10) of the clutch (11).
- Push the shaft (12) to the right in such a way that it is out of
the pulley (4).
- Remove the pulley (4).
- Remove the front guard.
- Loosen and unscrew the screw (14) of the holder of the
wheel (15) and remove it from the holder (21).
- Loosen the screws (16 and 17) of the holder (18).
- Remove the holder (18) together with the holder (15) and
articulated shaft (13) from the machine.
- Loosen the screws (19) of the pulley (20).
Loosen the screw (24) of the ring (25).
- Hold the pulley (20) and pull out the feeding shaft (22) from
the arm in such a way that it is possible to remove the
indented belt (23) from the arm of the machine.
- Replace the belt with a new one and proceed to the assembly
(inverted procedure of dismantling).
- Proceed to the setting operation according to the par. 3.6.2,
3.6.3 and 3.6.4.
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