MCP 4 – User's manual
The meaning of the bits is the following:
Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10
Bit 9
Bit 8
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
Nr of chann.(*)
Type of module (**)
Virtual point for module failure information (***)
bit 13
11: Type of module:
0 = No module
1 = 8-bit module, 1st generation
2 = 16-bit module, 1st generation
3 = 1-channel 16-bit module, 2nd generation
4 = multiple channels 16-bit module, 2nd generation
bit 10
0: virtual point (if needed) for module failure information, in the format Point/Address. Bits 6
0 show the address,
bits 10
7 shows the point. The virtual point will be Vn, where n = ((bit6
bit0) - 1) x 16) + (bit10
bit7) + 1
Note 7:
The map of diagnostic (bytes 0xEA00
0xEAFF) contains the information related to the fault modules or related to modules with
doubled address. The information are organized in one byte for each module with offset = Module_Address as follows:
offset 0 (Byte 0xEA00): not used
offset 1 (Byte 0xEA01): input module 1
offset 2 (Byte 0xEA02): input module 2
offset 127 (Byte 0xEA7F): input module 127
offset 128 (Byte 0xEA80): not used
offset 129 (Byte 0xEA81): output module 1
offset 255 (Byte 0xEAFF): output module 127
The meaning of the bits is the following:
bit 7: not used
bit 6: not used
bit 5: doubled address
bit 4: module failure
bit 0
3: counter of the consecutive loss answers
Note 8:
This map (bytes 0xEB00
0xEB7F) can be used to reset the external counter modules MODCNT (if installed). The information
are organized in one byte for each MODCNT module, with offset = Module_Address as follows:
offset 0 (Byte 0xEB00): not used
offset 1 (Byte 0xEB01): input module MODCNT 1
offset 2 (Byte 0xEB02): input module MODCNT 2
offset 127 (Byte 0xEB7F): input module MODCNT 127
The meaning of the bits of each byte in this map is the following:
bit 7
4: not used
bit 3: reset channel 4
bit 2: reset channel 3
bit 1: reset channel 2
bit 0: reset channel 1
9.2.2- RAM mapping of the Scheduler
The Scheduler uses two blocks of RAM memory inside MCP4: Words 1280÷1299 and Words 6144÷8191.
The first block is used to make parametric (and therefore easier) the reading and writing of a given day Dy of
a given scheduler Sx (Dy= 1 (MON) to 7 (SUN) and Sx= 1 to 16). The second block contains instead all 8 ON
and OFF times of all 7 days all of all 16 schedulers.
For the management by a supervisor or a WEB SERVER, it is advisable to act only on the first RAM block,
leaving out where they are actually mapped the information of each scheduler: this approach greatly
simplifies the work and makes it parameterizable through the specification of two values: the number of the
scheduler (Sx = 1÷16) and the day of the week (Dy = 1÷7). When writing one of these two values, MCP 4 will
copy the data related to the day Dy of the scheduler Sx in the first RAM block. Conversely, writing a value
(eg. a time) in a Word of the first RAM block, MCP 4 will copy the data related to the day Dy of the scheduler
Sx from this block RAM to its actual position in the second RAM block.
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