MCP 4 – User's manual
5.2- Baud Rate selection
MCP 4 Baud Rate factory settings is fixed to 115200 Baud both for RS232 and the two RS485 ports; if for any
reasons this speed has to be changed, use the software tool MCP IDE . Connect MCP 4 to the PC, supply it,
and launch MCP IDE. Select from the menu “Communication”, “Enable”. The following window will appear:
Select the port (e.g. COM1) or press the button Automatic Detection to execute the automatic search of MCP
4 on the serial ports. Press then Advanced Options button; the following window will appear:
Press Read to read the current MCP 4 setting for the Baud Rate on RS 232 and RS485 ports. The other
three parameters (Wait Time) are the delay time before the answer of MCP 4 to a Host request; these wait
times are suggested to be not changed, if not really needed.
Choose the wanted Baud Rate for each port and then press the Write button to transfer the new setting to
MCP 4. Finally, press the Close button; take in account that, when changing the Baud Rate of the port to
which the PC is currently connected to, a new communication enable procedure at the new Baud Rate is
needed. The allowed Baud Rates are: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.
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