Step 1
Connect pneumatic tubes.
Step 2
Connect power supply
Step 3
Flush test. Place the unit onto the mounting frame (no need to lock) and initiate
a full and partial ush independently by waving a hand in front of the ush icon.
If successful proceed to
Section 5 Fill Delay
If either or both ushes were unsuccessful proceed to
Section 4 Boosting
Full Flush
Connect white/clear
pneumatic tube to the
port marked with a full
round symbol.
Wiring Transformer
Wire the transformer to a suitable 3A
fused spur. Ensure all electrical work is
undertaken by a qualied electrician
and is in compliance with all relevant
statutory electrical standards.
Power Up
Plug the power jack into
the socket in the rear of
the unit.
When powered up
the front icons will ash
red, green then blue.
Partial Flush
Connect green pneumatic
tube to the port marked
with a half round symbol.