8. Canopy care
Proper maintenance of the paraglider will greatly enhance its durability.
Orca2 features a number of recent technologies, like tensioning the leading
edge with a plastic string. That's why the paraglider should be folded with care
in order to keep it healthy during transport and storage.
Basic rules to be observed when folding:
1. We fold the canopy together on rib-to-rib, cell-to-cell basis (like a
harmonium). We don't break the wing in halves, taking the stabilizers towards
2. After creating a package along the maximum chord, we don't roll it, but fold
two to three times (depending on the chord length) from trailing to the leading
3. Leadin edge stays on top of the folded canopy.
4. Don’t pack too tightly.
Please note that frequent playing with your paraglider on a field or a small hill
will deteriorate it quickly due to its repeated rising, falling down and dragging
A good precaution to avoid catching wet and/or UV is to use quickpack after
rigging up, when you have to wait in start line.
Never pack up or store the glider when wet. This shortens the life of the cloth.
Remember that wing gets wet even when laying on a green grass in full sun, as
the grass evaporate.
Leaving wet paraglider in a car heated by sun is absolutely unacceptable!
Effect of an oven occurs and as house tests of the wet fabric have shown,
colours can get unstable even at 50 grade Celsius. Guarantee claims
concerning colour loss and stains will not be accepted!
While drying, never expose your paraglider to direct sunlight.
Store the paraglider in a dry space, away from chemicals and UV exposure.
Clean the paraglider with water and a soft sponge. Do not use any chemicals or
spirit, as these can permanently damage the cloth.
Repairs should only be carried out by the manufacturer, authorised distributor or
authorised workshops. It is acceptable to fix minor cloth damages with self-
adhesive patches included in package.