Due to considerable passenger/pilot inertia, most tandem flights usually start
with a classic straightforward launch. The alpine (reverse) launch is
executed only when the wind speed makes normal start impossible.
For the launch neutral trimmer position is recommended.
Classic launch
Facing the wind, put the risers over your shoulders (with A risers on the top)
and clip into carabiners, connected with spreader bars. Lock the carabiners.
Grip the brake handles and A-risers (marked with red band), holding them at
the stitching, just under the quick-links. Spread your slightly bent hands out,
keeping them a bit down and back. All remaining risers should be placed
near your elbow joints.
Apply some tension to check if the A risers stay on top and the lines are not
tangled. Take a step back under the center wing, bow down a little and run
forward. After the initial inflation smoothly move the hands up and over your
head until the wing will be directly above you. Let the A risers loose and
check the wing. Pump out possible faults and keep the canopy straight
above you.
Possible side drift is corrected best by moving yourself under the canopy, as
long as the launch space permits. In order to keep the wing in the air the
suspension lines must stay taut all the time, so in light winds you will have to
run forward. With stronger winds you can control the wing while standing
When leaving the ground apply some brakes, then release it after gaining
some height. Keep you hands relaxed.
Reverse launch:
After clipping the risers into carabiners as for the forward launch, turn back
to face the wing, moving one riser group over your head. As a consequence,
you will have the risers crossed.
Unclip the brake handles from rear risers and grip it outside of the risers
without crossing neither arms, nor lines. In this way you steer the left side
with you left hand and vice versa. Now take corresponding A risers on both
Make sure that the wing inflates symmetrical and the lines are not tangled.
Building up tension with a few steps back and simultaneously lifting the A
risers (without pulling them towards you) will make the paraglider rise. When
it arrives over your head, stabilize it with the brakes, check again if all lines
are clear and the cells inflated.