suspension lines even after rinsing in fresh
water, you should replace the lines with
new ones immediately after contact with
salt water.
Frequent flying near oceans and seas
accelerates deterioration of the paraglider,
as salt present in the sea breeze can make
the lines stiffen and even break.
Repairs should only be carried out by the
manufacturer, authorised distributor or an
authorised workshop. It is acceptable to fix
minor cloth damage with self-adhesive
patches included in the package.
Full Inspection is recommended every 24
months or every 150 hours whatever
comes first, if not advised otherwise by the
inspecting person due to paraglider’s
In case of paragliders used commercially
(e.g. in schools or tandem flying) a Full
Inspection is recommended every 12
months after first 24 months from purchase
date or every 100 hours airtime (whatever
comes first).
A paraglider can be officially inspected only
by the manufacturer or a dealer (authorised
to do so).