will change to green when charging is complete.
This light is normally off while the XGPS170D is
Bluetooth status light.
This blue light will indicate
whether the XGPS170D is searching for a device
to connect to, or has successfully paired to a de
vice. A slow blue flash (about once per second)
indicates the XGPS170D is not connected to any
devices but is ready to connect. A solid blue glow
indicates that the XGPS170D has successfully
paired with at least one device.
GPS status light.
The GPS indicator will flash
green while the XGPS170D is searching for satel-
lite signals. The light will change to a steady green
when your location is successfully determined.
NOTE: when paired with an iPad, iPod touch or
iPhone the GPS status light will not illuminate until
an app is actively requesting information.
ADS-B status light.
This light glows solid white
when the ADS-B receiver is active. The indicator
will quickly flash when it is receiving ADS-B data.
ADS-B antenna connection
. The included ADS-
B antenna will need to be attached to the XG-
PS170D before use. Remove the protective rub-
ber cap on the front side of the XGPS170D to
expose the ADS-B antenna connector.
An external antenna can also be used with the