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Notice NT 06
D.T.S. - ZI Parc d’Activités de la Gare - BP N° 27 - 77831 OZOIR LA FERRIÉRE CEDEX – France
Rev. 7
33(0)1 64 40 27 26 - Fax (33.0)1 64 40 20 11 -
du 19/10/2011
Remove the grease from the threads of the cover and housing.
Verify that no solid or dust is located in threads.
Put a clear grease in the threads of the cover and housing.
Insert the gear tray inside the
luminaire housing.
Stop the gear tray with the pin.
Check the pin is put through the gear
tray and the slide of the luminaire
Open the removable guard of the XIN
05 switch.
Connect fully the terminal block.
Screw the cover fully and press the O.
Ring gasket.
Put the lock system in locking
Hold the lock system while
the Chc screw.
: During extinction or re-ignition, the remote control box shall provide at least 2 seconds pulse. That’s why, we advice to use a
BT4000 remote control box.
Reversal connection between mains and remote control does not cause any damage to the block ; only the warning light does not
work. In this case, reconnect correctly. It is possible to simulate a fault of power supply by sending a positive tension of 12 V on
the remote control cable while energized.
Automatic test systems (all versions except SI and VSI) :
The block will take at least one hour to be charged. Then, disconnect the block to the mains. The warning light switches off and
the 2 safety lamps or the fluorescent tube switch on. Press the extinction remote control button, then press on reignition to check
the block switchs off and on (only when disconnecting).
Centrally monitored systems (versions SI and VSI):
Let the block connecting 24 hours to the mains to be fully charged.
Disconnect the block to the mains: the block runs (the warning light is switched on).
Press on extinction remote control button (see 1), the block and the lamps switch off.
Press on reignition remote control button (see 2), the block runs and the warning lamp switches on.
While testing the remote control, some blocks may run inversal to the others (the warning lamps switch on instead of switching
off and switch off instead of switching on), then just check the polarities.
Those blocks automatically test as following :
Day to day warning lamps and battery charge tests.
Once a week : 1 mn simulation of the power supply fault to check the lamps switching while warning.
Once a trimester (12 weeks): 1 hour simulation of the power supply fault to check the duration.
Results are indicated on each block:
Green LED lit / yellow LED extinguished : unit healthly.
Green LED extinguished / yellow LED lit: battery fault.
Green LED extinguished / yellow LED flashing: emergency lamp fault.
Green LED flashing: Test in progress.
To put through the
slide of the
luminaire housing
and the second
wave of the gear