Safety Note (Racing Instruction)
The current generation of FPV Analog video link brings many advantages. Low-cost, and zero latency
being two of the most significany. They do however suffer from less than ideal selectivity, even when
using large channel spacing as is the case with RaceBand. If a few simple rules are followed, quad
racig can be a lot of fun.
This is an absolutely golden rule. Landing your quad near another pilot, especially one who is at a
significant distance.
1) NEVER land near another pilot
2) NEVER walk back to the pilot area with a powered-up quad
3) POSITION the launch and landing zone as far from the pilot area as
4) ALWAYS warn in-air pilots before powering up a quad, even if you KNOW
it is on a different channel
This is the most common cause of issues at the race track. When retrieving a model, unplug the
battery before walking back to pilot area.
This ensures that collisions at race start don’t affect other pilots. A distance of at least 10 meters is
recommended, more than this is a bonus.
Warn pilots, and be ready to power down IMMEDIATELY if a pilot is affected, and wait until he lands.
Remember that it only takes a seond or two, when flying race quads at speed, to crash and damage
the quad, and whatever (whoever) it hits.
Safety Note (Remove Props)
Safety Note (Li-po Low Voltage Alarm)
Mini-quad props can do come serious damage when coming in contact with human skin, risk do
deep cuts and lacerations should be avoided at all cost.
So when you are working on a quad with the battery connected, it is highly recommended to
REMOVE ALL PROPS, unless you are just about ready to fly.
DTS Q-series quad included LI-po Low Voltage alarm. Alert“Bi~Bi~” when battery in low voltage to
prevent over discharge. This function is compatible with GWY COBRA V, due to it has buzzer function.
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