Mix Amplifier
Figure 2
MP3 playing interface
In homepage, press radio button and you will go into radio play interface, which is showed as figure 3. In
this interface, press return button and you will go back to main menu.
Figure 3: Radio interface
Operation in radio interface
Press Band switch button and band will switch between FM and AM. The frequency range of FM is
87-108 MHz, AM 522-1620KHz.
Press +Freq, -Freq button and you can reset radio scanning frequency by one step. Every step of
FM is 0.05MHz, AM 9KHz. Search channels up and down. It can do auto channel search and it
will automatically stop when it succeeds in getting one channel.
Press “the previous channel, next channel “ button and it will play the saved channels.
Press “save channel” button and it will save the current Freq. to the current channel number: when
saving the Freq., firstly choose the channel NO., then adjust the frequency and finally the channel will
be saved. In this way, the current frequency will be saved so that users can play the saved channels