The QUANTIZER module takes any incoming CV and outputs a
quantized version determined by the SCALE knob every time a
trigger/gate/pulse/clock is received at the TRIG input. The
module has 8 different scales: Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian,
Aeolian, Lydian Minor, Harmonic Major and Whole-tone. To
change between scales, turn the knob and manually click the
TRIG button next to the SCALE knob with your mouse. There is
also the possibility to transpose the CV. Range is down one
octave or up one octave. Turn the XPOSE knob to desired
destination and the CV will get transposed when you click the
TRIG button next to the XPOSE knob. Right below the
QUANTIZER module there is a small object called [pd
quantizer_tables]. You can copy/paste as many QUANTIZER
modules in your system as you like but there can be only one
[pd quantizer_tables] object. So, do not copy that or the
QUANTIZERS will not work properly.
SCALE - manually choose a scale to quantize CV to
TRIG - click button next the SCALE knob. Any changes on the SCALE knob will not take
place until you click the TRIG button
XPOSE - manually choose a transposition destination in semi-tones.
TRIG - click button next the XPOSE knob. Any changes on the XPOSE knob will not take
place until you click the TRIG button
IN - CV input to be quantized