DSE7110 & DSE7120 Operator Manual
Unit is inoperative
Read/Write configuration does not
Check the battery and wiring to the unit. Check the DC supply. Check the DC fuse.
Unit shuts down
Check DC supply voltage is not above 35 Volts or below 9 Volts
Check the operating temperature is not above 70°C. Check the DC fuse.
Unit locks out on Emergency Stop
If no Emergency Stop Switch is fitted, ensure that a DC positive signal is connected to
the Emergency Stop input. Check emergency stop switch is functioning correctly.
Check Wiring is not open circuit.
Intermittent Magnetic Pick-up sensor
Ensure that Magnetic pick-up screen only connects to earth at one end, if connected at
both ends, this enables the screen to act as an aerial and will pick up random
voltages. Check pickup is correct distance from the flywheel teeth.
Low oil Pressure fault operates after
engine has fired
Check engine oil pressure. Check oil pressure switch/sensor and wiring. Check
configured polarity (if applicable) is correct (i.e. Normally Open or Normally Closed) or
that sensor is compatible with the 71xx Module and is correctly configured.
High engine temperature fault
operates after engine has fired.
Check engine temperature. Check switch/sensor and wiring. Check configured polarity
(if applicable) is correct (i.e. Normally Open or Normally Closed) or that sensor is
compatible with the 71xx series module.
Shutdown fault operates
Check relevant switch and wiring of fault indicated on LCD display. Check
configuration of input.
Warning fault operates
Check relevant switch and wiring of fault indicated on LCD display. Check
configuration of input.
Fail to Start is activated after pre-set
number of attempts to start
Check wiring of fuel solenoid. Check fuel. Check battery supply. Check battery supply
is present on the Fuel output of the module. Check the speed-sensing signal is
present on the 71xx series module inputs. Refer to engine manual.
Continuous starting of generator
when in AUTO
Check that there is no signal present on the “Remote Start” input. Check configured
polarity is correct.
Generator fails to start on receipt of
Remote Start signal.
Check Start Delay timer has timed out.
Check signal is on “Remote Start” input. Confirm correct configuration of input is
configured to be used as “Remote Start”.
Check that the oil pressure switch or sensor is indicating low oil pressure to the
controller. Depending upon configuration, the set will not start if oil pressure is not low.
Pre-heat inoperative
Check wiring to engine heater plugs. Check battery supply. Check battery supply is
present on the Pre-heat output of module. Check pre-heat configuration is correct.
Starter motor inoperative
Check wiring to starter solenoid. Check battery supply. Check battery supply is present
on the Starter output of module. Ensure that the Emergency Stop input is at Positive.
Ensure oil pressure switch or sensor is indicating the “low oil pressure” state to the
71xx series controller.
Engine runs but generator will not
take load
Check Warm up timer has timed out. Ensure generator load inhibit signal is not
present on the module inputs. Check connections to the switching device.
Note that the set will not take load in manual mode unless there is an active remote
start on load signal.