XH1151 – DSE Broadband Router
WAN MAC Change: If you want to change the default MAC Address that is set to the WAN’s
physical interface MAC address on the Router, enter it here.
External Admin: This router allows outside user configuration. This function is also referred to
as Remote Management. It allows the device to be configured through the WAN (Wide Area
Network) port from the Internet using a web browser. A username and password are still
required to access the browser-based management interface. To access the configuration page
from the WAN side, enter “http://<WAN IP Address>:8080” into the web browser address field.
Note: For Security reasons, it is recommended that you do not enable this function if it is not
Upgrading the firmware
1. To upgrade the firmware, make sure that the firmware you want to use is saved on the local
hard drive of your computer.
2. Click the “Firmware Upgrade” button. Click the “Browse” and select the firmware file.
3. Click the “Upload” button. Upgrading the firmware will not change any of your system
settings but it is recommended that you save your system settings before doing a firmware
upgrade. Note: Do not power off the router when it is being upgraded.
4. When the upgrade is complete, restart the router by pulling the the power cord, waiting 5
seconds and plugging it back.