6.2 Installation of the DSE ADSL Line Filter
For self-installation, each Telephone device on
an ADSL enabled phone line must be filtered.
Whilst this section specifically describes
installation of the XH7556 DSE ADSL line filter,
the installation of other ADSL line filters are
similar and similar rules apply.
Filter Installation Rules
1. You can install up to 5 filters on 1 phone line.
2. Each filter can have a double phone adaptor plugged into it.
3. The only device on a telephone line that does not require a filter is
the ADSL modem or router itself.
For your convenience, the DSE ADSL filter has 2 sockets on it. One is
marked PHONE (BT socket), the other is marked ADSL (RJ11
socket). Only the PHONE socket is filtered and as such, only
telephone devices are to be plugged into this socket. The following
diagram outlines a typical home filter installation: