[25] Communicator Call Directions
This section requires four single digit entries using digits 0 to 3
only. This section defines how the communicator will call the
telephone numbers programmed in sections [01] and [03] to
report the following events:
Zone Alarms and Restorals
Access Codes Openings and Closings
Priority Alarms and Restorals
Maintenance Alarms and Restorals
Enter ONE digit from the list below for each of the above
categories. Factory default = 1 for all 4 code groups.
Disables the function (no transmission for the group)
Call 1st phone number and back-up to the 2nd
phone number when section [13] light 1 is set to OFF
and the panel has made 8 unsuccessful tries on the
1st phone number.
Call the 2nd phone number only
Always call both phone numbers
If the [#] key is pressed during data entry, you will be returned
to the installer’s programming mode and data for this section
will NOT be saved.
Downloading Telephone Number
This telephone number is used by the panel to call the
downloading computer when a request to call is make by
entering [
][4] or for an auto-download. See section [14] 3rd
System Option Code, lights 2 and 3. See section [01] 1st
Phone Number for instructions on programming the
downloading telephone number.
Downloading Access Code
This 4-digit code allows the panel to confirm that it is
communicating with a valid downloading computer. Enter 4
digits using the numbers 0 through 9 only. The factory default
code is [1515].
Panel Identification Code
This 4-digit code allows the downloading computer to confirm
the identity of the control panel. Enter 4 digits using the
number keys 0 through 9 only. The factory default code is
Number of Rings Before
Section [29] is used to set the number of rings before the
panel will pickup and answer the call. See section [31] for
information on using the panel with an answering machine
connected to the same phone line.
Reset to Factory Default
Entering [30] will perform a software reset to the factory
default values. Once this command is entered, the keypad
buzzer will beep several times. The “Trouble” LED will be ON
during the reset sequence.
If the installer’s code is forgotten and a software reset cannot be
performed, the panel can be reset to the factory default values
with the following method.
Remove all power, AC and battery, from the panel.
Short the pads on the panel labelled EEPROM RESET.
While maintaining the short, power-up the panel and wait
for at least 10 seconds before removing the short.
Upon removal of the short, the keypad buzzer will beep
and the panel will be reset to the factory default values.
4th System Option Code
Use the same method of programming as section [12].
ON =
Able to answer call from downloading
• OFF =
Cannot answer call from downloading
ON =
Enable callback to downloading computer
• OFF =
Disable callback to downloading
ON =
Enable answering machine over-ride
• OFF =
Disable answering machine over-ride
ON =
Show bypass status while armed or
• OFF =
Show bypass status while disarmed only
ON =
Set for AC = 50 Hz
• OFF =
Set for AC = 60 Hz
ON =
Restore on bell time-out (if zone is
• OFF =
Restore as follower (when zone restores)
• Factory default
Downloading and Answering Machines
If zone light [3] is ON and the panel is called for 1 or 2 rings
only and then called back within a variable time from 1 to 249
seconds (this time set in section [33]), the panel will then
answer the second call on the first ring.
If zone light [3] is OFF, it is assumed that there is no
answering machine connected to the telephone line, and the
panel will capture the line after the set number of rings.
If zone light [3] is OFF and an answering machine is connected
and is set to answer before the panel, the panel will be unable
to receive a call from the downloading computer. If the panel
is set to answer before the answering machine, the answering
machine will be unable to receive incoming calls.