DSC iOtega Installation Manual Download Page 1

1707_iotega_Installation_Guide_v08 | Updated August 17, 2017 10:47 AM











You must complete steps 1–4 before powering up the panel

The Installer shall use these instructions in conjunction with the 

complete installation manual for this product

Your SmartTech Dealer Portal: 


Sign in using the dealer credentials provided by SecureNet Technologies.

You will now create a new “Customer/End-User” account. These steps can be 

used as a checklist. Steps 1–4 are applicable for all panel types.

Create an Account


expanding the “Accounts” 

section in the left side bar.

Select “Search Accounts” 

to access all accounts.

Select “Add Account” in the 

top right corner of the main 

“Accounts” list panel.  

From the “Add Account“ screen, 

Assign an Account ID and enter 

the basic account information. To 

assign an account, choose one of 

two options:

Auto Assign - Assigns the next 

available Account ID within 

your dedicated account range.

Manually Enter ID - Enter 

the preferred Account ID by 

entering the account number 

in the “Account ID” field. 

Set the Panel Type to “iotega” for the iotega Panel


All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. All details should be of the 

property and master account contact. Site Phone may be set as a mobile.

Assign a Service Plan

 listed that corresponds with the panel gateway 

type you are installing (GSM, LTE, IP or WIFI)

Note: If there is a combination of 2 gateways installed on the panel, select 

the service plan based on the cellular communication (GSM or LTE)

Select the Service Plan based on the services to be provided:

Managed Alarm Transport (includes alarm signal forwarding only)

Interactive/Direct Alarm Transport (includes alarm signal forwarding, remote 

arm/disarm, notifications, zone status, event history, panel offline supervision)

Complete Interactive (includes all direct alarm transport features, plus Z-Wave 

device support, scenes, event schedules, system sabotage protection)

Direct Alarm Tra Video 

Complete Inter Video 

Stand Alone Video (Up to 4 cameras, 250 event storage & notifications)

Stand Alone Video Plus (Up to 8 cameras, 500 event storage & notifications)

Once you’ve chosen the service plan, select “Next”. 

If all required fields are complete you will see a 

“Complete“ confirmation message. Press “Finish” 

to add the account.

In the “Account Summary” page.  Select “Go Live!” 

to start services.  This will activate the service 

functionality and start billing.

Note: If you are creating the account in advance or 

wish to start services at a later date, do not select 

“Go Live“ at this point. You can later select “Go Live” at 

any point to begin services. 

Add a Gateway

 by selecting “System” in the left side bar. On the “System” 

page, select “Add Gateway” to bring up the “Add Gateway“ panel.

Set the Panel Type to “iotega” for the iotega Panel

Enter the 10-digit ID number 

found on the bottom of the panel.

Press “Done” to add the gateway.

Create a Master Contact

 by selecting “Contacts” in the left side bar. 

From the “Contacts“ page, select “Add Contact” and complete the form. 

All fields marked with an  asterisk (*) are required.

Assign a unique username 

and passcode which will 

be used for the customer 

to access both the end-

user website and mobile 



The username must be 

between 3–32 characters 

long and can include alpha, 

numeric or the ‘@’ (at), ‘_’ 

(underscore), ‘.’(period) 


The passcode must be 

between 6–16 characters 

and can contain only alpha or 

numeric characters.

In the “Alarm User” section, 

set “User ID“ to “Master” and 

enter the panel master code. 

If you are installing a new panel, the default master panel access 

code will be “1234”.


Select “Done” to create the master contact. Following the initial activation of 

the system, the contact information and panel codes can be edited from the 

“Contacts” page in both the dealer portal and end-user customer web portals.

To Install the iotega, 

first select a suitable location that is a flat, stable 

surface free from vibration and shock. The iotega should be placed 

near a power outlet.

Remove the battery access cover on the back of the panel and insert the 

battery. For more details, please refer to the installation manual online.


Connect the Ethernet cable to the port on the back of the panel. Connect the 

other end of the cable to the wireless router.  

Connect the barrel jack of the plug-in adapter to the power connector on the 

back of the panel. Route the power cable through the strain relief channel on 

the bottom of the panel then plug the adapter into an AC outlet. 

The iotega will power up once connected to AC power. The power-up sequence 

is as follows: 

The integrated keypad numbers illuminate in sequence until the iotega is 

powered up.  

After approximately 40 seconds the Power LED illuminates.

The Ethernet Link Speed LED illuminates steady green and the Ethernet Link 

Activity LED flashes rapidly to indicate that a connection is being made to 

the Tyco Cloud. 

After several minutes, depending on network speed, the Remote Connection 

LED illuminates steady green (or flashing green if installer access window is 

enabled), indicating that a connection has been established. 

To continue installation, please confirm that you have selected Go Live 

on the Account Summary page. You will not be able to bring your iotega 

panel online unless this has been selected.

For more information on LED indicators, see “Controls and Indicators” 

on page 10 of the iotega installation manual.

When replacing the battery, use battery pack suitable for the application. 

Refer to “Specifications” on page 5 of the iotega installation manual.

DSC iotega™

Installation Guide

1. Power Connector 

2. Ethernet Link Speed LED 

3. Ethernet Link Activity LED 

4. Ethernet Port 

Summary of Contents for iOtega

Page 1: ...d Gateway panel Set the Panel Type to iotega for the iotega Panel Enter the 10 digit ID number found on the bottom of the panel Press Done to add the gateway Create a Master Contact by selecting Contacts in the left side bar From the Contacts page select Add Contact and complete the form All fields marked with an asterisk are required Assign a unique username and passcode which will be used for th...

Page 2: ...ber Form select the Add Device tool and enter the serial number of the device in the serial number field Once a valid serial number has been entered additional options specific to the device will populate Rename the Zone by entering the desired zone name into the Label field Select additional zone or device options as desired Once all options desired are selected Submit the add device form To add ...

Page 3: ...tswillbe limited to a replacement of the product asthe exclusive remedyforbreach of warranty Underno circumstancesshallDigitalSecurityControlsbe liable foranyspecial incidental or consequentialdamagesbased upon breach of warranty breach of contract negligence strict liability orany otherlegaltheory Such damagesinclude but are not limited to lossof profits lossof the product orany associated equipm...

Page 4: ...tainsthe entire warrantyand shallbe in liew of anyand allother warranties whetherexpressed orimplied including allimplied warrantiesof merchantabilityorfitnessfora particularpurpose and of allotherobligationsorliabilitieson the part of DSC DSC makesno otherwarranties DSC neitherassumesnorauthorizesanyotherperson purporting to act on itsbehalf to modifyorto change this warranty norto assume forit a...

Page 5: ...er une passerelle afin d afficher le volet Ajouter une passerelle Définir le type de centrale iotega pour la centrale iotega Saisissez le numéro d identifiant ID à 10 chiffres que vous trouverez au bas de la centrale Appuyez sur Terminé pour ajouter la passerelle Créer un contact maître en sélectionnant Contacts dans la barre de gauche À partir de la page Contacts sélectionnez Ajouter un contact e...

Page 6: ...is qu un numéro de série valide a été saisi des options supplémentaires spécifiques au dispositif seront remplies Renommez la zone en saisissant le nom souhaité dans le champ Étiquette Sélectionnez une zone supplémentaire ou les options de dispositif à votre convenance Une fois que toutes les options souhaitées ont été sélectionnées validez par Soumettre le formulaire d ajout d un dispositif Pour ...

Page 7: ...une inspection ou un test adéquatsafin de vérifiertoute réclamation au titre de la garantie Lescartes d accèsou insignesrenvoyéspourêtre remplacéesau titre de la garantie seront remplacéesou créditéesselon le choixde DSC Lesproduitsquine sont pascouvertsparcette garantie ou quine sont plusgarantisparce qu ils sont trop vieux qu ilsont été malutilisésou endommagés seront examinéset une devisde répa...


Page 9: ...ara que aparezca el panel de esta opción Para el panel iotega defina el tipo de panel como iotega Ingrese el número de clave de identificación de 10 dígitos que figura en la parte inferior del panel Para agregar la puerta de enlace pulse Listo Crear un contacto maestro mediante la selección de la opción Contactos en la barra lateral izquierda Desde la página de Contactos seleccione Agregar un cont...

Page 10: ...úmero de serie del dispositivo en el campo para el número de serie Una vez que haya ingresado un número de serie válido aparecerán otras opciones específicas para el dispositivo Para cambiarle el nombre a la zona ingrese el nombre deseado de la zona en el campo Etiqueta Seleccione otras opciones para la zona o el dispositivo según lo desee Una vez que haya seleccionado todas las opciones deseadas ...

Page 11: ...resente garantía o de otra manera fuera de la garantía debido altranscurso deltiempo maluso o daño serán evaluadosyse proveerá una estimación para la reparación No se realizará ningún trabajo de reparación hasta que una orden de compra válida enviada porelCliente sea recibida yun número de Autorización de Mercadería Devuelta RMA sea emitido porelServicio alCliente de DSC La responsabilidad de Digi...

Page 12: ...R USTED PARALICENCIAR EL PRODUCTODESOFTWAREYCINCODÓLARESCANADIENSES CAD 5 00 Algunosestadosno permiten la exclusión o limitación de dañosincidentaleso consecuentes en talcaso lo arriba mencionado puede no ser aplicable a Ud d Esta garantía contiene la garantía totalydebe prevalecersobre cualquiera otra garantía ytodaslasotras garantías ya sea expresada o implicada incluyendo todaslasgarantíasimpli...
