Tensiometer’s preliminary manual - TSS V1 r. 4 dtd 06/02/06
MENU indication, active when the instrument is in the customization procedure, to indicate
with a numeric reference the current menu level.
indication of serial connection activity, with active data transfer. At instrument power on the
main display will show, in sequence, the following information to indicate a correct boot
Product name
V 2.10
Installed firmware version
Instrument’s operating mode
Pitagora operation
before starting the measurement it is recommended to keep the measuring system (Pitagora
instrument connected to TSS transducer) some minutes to warm-up, so to stabilize its
The measurement displayed by Pitagora corresponds to:
Instantaneous warp tensioning – Zeroed tare.
The displayed measurement is updated with a rate that depends from:
Update frequency of the data generated by the A/D converter.
This frequency is set, by the Manufacturer, at 7,5 Hz to obtain a measurement with the
maximum stability and resolution.. By using the procedures described in this manual it is
possible to set higher update frequencies (up to 3,8 kHz), at detriment of the stability of the
measurement and, consequently, of the obtainable resolution.
Filter that will display the mean of 10 measures acquired every 10 milli seconds from the
A/D converter. The displayed value is updated every one second.
After having installed the TSS transducer on the warp it is recommended to let the machine work
for some time in order to let that the warp tensioning stabilizes, considering the temporary over
tensioning of the wires that is consequence of the installation of the transducer on the warp. The
installation of the transducer determines a natural over tensioning of the wires that are deviated by
the transducer and this increase of tensioning is recovered by the wires by letting the machine work
some time before considering the measurements.
The measurement displayed on the Pitagora display differs, as update frequency, form the
measurement that can be obtained by a serial connection to the measurement system, that is not
affected by the filtering applied at point 2.
The measuring system has been calibrated by the Manufacturer with the TSS transducer to which it
is matched (the serial number references are indicated on the labels applied on the products).
It is recommended to maintain the original matching of the units (Transducer and indicator unit) to
avoid measurement errors corresponding to slightly different calibration parameters on the Pitagora
unit, when it is not matched with the right TSS transducer.