Gear Box
Maintenance & Operation
Oil, housing, and other components can reach high temperatures during operation, and can cause
severe burns. Use extreme care when removing lubrication plugs and vents while servicing the unit. *
• Do not operate the unit without making sure it contains the correct amount of oil. Do not
overfill or under fill with oil, or injury to personnel, unit, or other equipment may result.
• For proper operation in subzero conditions, it is mandatory that the following oil be used:
Spartan EP 320 industrial gear oil” (or equivalent)
…any other gear oil will void warranty!
Oil Filling Procedure
Remove Fill and Vent plugs (see Figure 3-1 for locations).
Clean threads on the removed plugs and the plug holes with degreaser.
Fill gear box with the recommended lubricant (see above) to a level near the center line of the
uppermost horizontal shaft or until lubricant comes out of the oil level plug hole.
Install plugs secure in gear case.
Break-In Period
After the first 100 hours of operation, drain out initial oil, flush out the gear case with an approved non-
flammable, non-toxic solvent, such as Whitmore’s Flushing Oil (#06802030) or Medallion Flushing Oil
Kosher (#06812010), and refill. Thereafter, oil should be changed at least every 2500 operating hours or
every 6 months - whichever occurs first.
*Note: Oil should be changed with greater frequency if unit is used in severe environments (dust or high
humidity). *
Torque Limiter Adjustment
Although the torque limiter clutch is factory (Dryair) set, periodic adjustment may be required. It is
recommended that the torque setting of the clutch be checked twice a season. With prolonged use,
the two friction disks, located on either side of the A-plate sprocket, will eventually show wear
It is important that the torque limiter clutch is adjusted properly. If the clutch slips too easily, the
spool will take too long to stop and hose will pile up on the reel. If the clutch does not slip at all,
Figure 3-1: Gear Box Oil Filling Procedure