Torque Limiter Clutch
The Torque limiter protects the drive line from damage due to overload conditions. The driven center
member slips on non- asbestos friction discs during overload situations in the drive line.
Torque Ratings
- Minimum: 60 lb.-ft.
- Maximum: 190 lb.-ft.
Please note that the torque ratings are estimates. Actual torque capacity may vary significantly
depending on many factors. Field conditions such as oil, humidity, water and temperature as well
as the frequency and duration of slippage all affect torque capacity. Although the torque limiter
clutch is factory set at Dryair, periodic adjustment may be required. It is recommended the torque
setting of the clutch be checked twice per season (see “Maintenance” section). With prolonged
use, the two friction disks, located on either side of the A-plate sprocket, will eventually show
• It is important that the torque limiter clutch is adjusted properly. The clutch should be set to a slip
torque of 100 Ft*Lbs.
*Note: A visual check may be required to confirm whether it is the clutch that is slipping or the motor. (
See “Maintenance - Torque limiter adjustment” section of the Operator’s manual for Torque Adjustment
& Run-In Procedure.) *