7 of 10
The pump does not deliver oil or
does not deliver oil in the exact
quantity prescribed
The pump does not deliver oil at
the prescribed pressure
The oil in the tank is below the
minimum level
The suction filter is dirty or
The pump control valve fails to
The internal connections are
The command fluid pressure is
Fill the tank with oil without
exceeding the MAX level line
Open the cover of the pump,
remove the suction filter and
clean it
Check that the pump control
valve is a 3-way type and that
the valve regularly discharges
fluid from the pump chamber
when the supply is cut off.
Remove the plate from the tank
and carefully tighten all
connections ensuring there are
no leaks
Increase the pressure on the
command fluid to reach the
required oil pressure value
Dangers present in use
The verification of conformity with the essential safety requirements and regulations of the Machine Directive is
effected by means of the compilation of a check list which has been pre-prepared and is contained in the
The lists which are utilised are of three types:
list of dangers (as in EN 414 referring to EN 292)
application of essential safety requirements (Machine Dir.)
electrical safety requirements (EN 60204-1)
The following is a list of dangers which have not been fully eliminated but which are considered acceptable:
in the version of the pump without a release it is possible to encounter squirts of oil (for this reason
appropriate protective clothing must be worn)
contact with oil -> see the requirements for the use of suitable personal protective clothing
use of unsuitable lubricant -> the characteristics of the fluid are shown on the pump and in the manual
in case of doubt contact the Eng. Dept of Dropsa Spa
protection against direct and indirect contact must be provided by the user
given the purpose of the pump it must always be functioning; for this reason it is necessary to pay
attention to the electrical connections which, in the case of a power failure, the customer’s machine is
restarted only by means of a reset, while the lubrication pump is able to restart
Lubricants with abrasive additives
Lubricants with abrasive additives
Lubricants with silicone based additives
Lubricants with silicone based additives
Petrol – solvents – inflammable liquids
Petrol – solvents – inflammable liquids
Corrosive products
Corrosive products
Food substances
Food substances