MODE rotary switch: 8 different operation modes divided in two groups are available
First group is sample looping:
: Only wet signal. Dry signal is cut while the loop is engaged. The LOOP switch is
: Wet and dry signal. Dry signal continues while the loop is engaged. The LOOP switch
is latching.
: Only wet signal. Dry signal is cut while the loop is engaged. The LOOP switch is
: Wet and dry signal. Dry signal continues while the loop is engaged. The LOOP
switch is momentary.
In these 4 modes the control knob allows to manually change the sample size. If turned
while a loop is engaged it introduces some pitch shifting/glitches. The left switch is the
tap tempo switch
Second group are hold/freeze functions:
: Swell Hold, the control knob defines how fast the held signal fades in and out. Right
switch is latching, Left switch is momentary
: Pitch Hold, the control knob detunes the held signal when turn CCW (like slowing
down a tape). Right switch is latching, Left switch is momentary
: Filter Hold, the control knob goes from a low pass filter on the left to a high pass
filter on the right. Right switch is latching, Left switch is momentary
: Stutter Hold, like a random step tremolo applied to either your dry signal or the held
signal. Right switch engages the stutter and hold effect. Left switch engages the stutter
and dry effect. Both switches are momentary and can be used at the same time.
In the 4 loop modes this knob can be used to reduce the sample length. Turned
completely CW is full sample length. This reduction is also applied to a tapped
tempo. In the 4 hold modes the function of this knob will depend on the mode.
These pots are used to set the level for wet and dry. In the middle position they are
about unity gain, which means that you can also boost signals. In the “IL” and “IM”
modes the Dry knob is not active.
BYPASS switch:
If you would like to bypass the signal when not using the pedal and avoid it going
through the DSP processor, you can use this switch. This is an electronic bypass, meaning
that when bypassed, the signal goes through a buffer. If tapped quickly, the switch will
turn the effect on/off but if you hold it for more than 2 seconds while it was off, the
switch will engage the effect momentarily until you release the switch. When it is in
momentary mode the LED will start blinking.