The router supports 3G/4G, Static IP, Dynamic IP and PPPoE. Click
“Basic Settings” on the left side of web page and choose the Router’s
operating mode, the default mode is “3G/4G dial-up”.
1. 3G Dial-UP
The default mode is 3G/4G dial-up, it integrates all the main ISP
dial data and customers can choose the ones they want. For in-
ternational customers, we can use remote online control, to make
your 3G modem comply with our router. For example, Telstra APN
is telstra.internet, enter “*99#” in the Dialup Number box, leave
User Name and Password boxes blank, this will vary with providers
Range of Online Time, keep as default (always online). Enter DNS
server in Primary DNS box if you know it. It you don’t know it,
leave it as blank.
Return to Status > Running Status, ensure that 3G/4G dialup says
“connected”, if it’s connected, you should be able to access Inter-
net via 3G.
Other situations:
If 3G/4G dialup says “disconnect”, it means there is no 3G connec-
tion. It is possible your 3G modem is not attached to the router,
check the modem’s VID/PID in 3G/4G card information, if the VID/
PID is unrecognized, either the router’s USB port or the 3G modem
is faulty.
If 3G/4G dialup says “connecting, please wait…”, it means that
the router is dialing, please wait for a moment, after 20 seconds
refresh the page until 3G/4G dialup says “connected”. If the status
Return to
Running Status,
3G/4G Dialup
if it’s connected,
you should be able to access Internet via 3G. Other cases:
3G/4G Dialup
says “disconnect”
means no 3G connection, maybe your 3G Modem is not
attached to the router, you can check the Modem’s VID/PID in
3G/4G card information
filed, if
the VID/PID is Unrecognized, either the router’s USB port is bad or the 3G Modem is bad.
3G/4G Dialup
says “connecting, please wait…”,
it means that the router is dialing now, please
wait for a moment, after 20 seconds, refresh the page until
3G/4G Dialup
says “connected”, if
the status “connecting, please wait…” has shown for a long time, please check as follows:
check your settings are correct; check the 3G router has supported your 3G Modem; check
your 3G Modem can work well, when directly connected to your computer.
3.2 Dynamic IP
Dynamic IP is the hotels and restaurants and other public places commonly used means of
access, the router can connect via dynamic IP mode to hotels and other public access network
resources, the first hotel of the network cable to the ETH interface to the router, then through
the following two methods to router switch to dynamic IP mode.
1) hard-switching: the switch router 3G/DHCP pull to the DHCP file.
2) Soft Switch: turn on the router interface, click on the "Basic Settings> Internet access mode",
select the dynamic IP, and then click "OK" to save the settings.