2. Slide one of the heat shields over the ducting until
it rests against the Dragon housing. This will
provide extra protection against burns from
accidental contact with hot surfaces near the duct
Slide the heat shields in place
3. Grasp the free end of the ducting and pull until it
reaches the structure. Take care not to damage
the aluminum ducting, as this could restrict airflow
during operation and cause the unit to shut off
from thermal overload.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for the other length of
ducting. Always connect both lengths of ducting
from the Dragon to the affected area.
Securing ducting to the structure
In most drying situations you will need to attach the
end of the ducting to an opening in the structure such
as a basement window or crawlspace vent hole. Since
each structure is unique, you will usually need to build
an adapter to fit the specific opening.
To build two adapters, you will need:
2 Plywood sheets
2 Duct adapters, 8-inch diameter
2 Hose clamps
1 Jigsaw
1. Cut a sheet of plywood to fit over the opening in
the structure.
2. Use a jigsaw or similar tool to cut an 8-inch
diameter hole in the center of the plywood.
3. Fit an 8-inch diameter duct adapter (available at
most hardware stores) into the hole in the
plywood. Secure the duct adapter to the plywood.
4. Slip a hose clamp (not included) over the free end
of one of the 30-foot lengths of 8-inch diameter
aluminum ducting. Slide the ducting over the
adapter and secure firmly with the hose clamp.
5. Secure the plywood to the structure.
6. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the second length of
aluminum ducting. Always connect both lengths of
ducting from the Dragon to the affected area.
Connecting the remote thermostat
The thermostat monitors the temperature in the
affected area. It turns the Dragon on and off to
maintain a preset temperature in the affected area.
Always operate the Dragon with the remote thermostat
connected. The HEAT switch will not function and the
Dragon will not heat the air if the thermostat is not
The remote thermostat sensor cable, control box, cable, and jack
1. Run the thermostat’s 8-foot sensor cable into the
affected area. If necessary, drill a small hole in the
plywood adapter.
2. Position the tip of the sensor cable as far away as
possible from the Dragon process air—at least six
feet for best results.
Only the tip of the sensor cable will read
3. Place the thermostat control box where it will be
easy to monitor temperature setting. The control
box is weatherproof and may be left outside.
07-00407F 02/2008
Copyright 2006 Dri-Eaz Products, Inc.