want to use this feature then just leave it on the default 80 WPI and
for thicker yarns it will report a slightly shorter length than the yarn
actually is (about 6% shorter for 8 WPI yarn).
Select yards or metres.
Target Length:
If you want the yarn counter to beep when it reaches a specific
length, enter that number here. This specified length will also turn
off any device connected through the AUX port. If you set this to 0 it
will never beep.
Key Beep:
Set this to Yes if you want a small beep when any button is pressed,
or No if you want button presses to be silent.
Battery Voltage:
This menu displays the version of your software and the voltage of
your battery. You can use this battery voltage to learn when your
batteries might need replacing. Different types of AA batteries have
different low voltages, so you’ll want to look online for more
information about when your specific batteries should be replaced
or you can just use them until the screen shuts down.