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Figure 11: Mode screen in width display
This section enables setting the mode „Program“ by means of two operating boiler temperatures and their
assignment to individual hours in the week. Temperature symbolized with grey wheel represents the
reduction and temperature symbolized with orange, red wheel represents higher heating. Text „Now“
represents the actual set temperature.
The assignment of required values to the hours in a week is performed by means of the field with round
buttons in two steps. After the first pressing of the specified round button, the initial option location is
marked, then it is necessary to indicate the selection surface by clicking the next round button, it enables to
set the joint hours by means of two clicks for the selected operating temperature e.g. for all days in the
week, etc.
If the user moves to section Program and the actual boiler mode is not set to mode „Program“, the
notification is issued (see Figure 13). Setting in the program section is indicated only if it the operating
boiler mode includes the set mode „Program“.