program and method in lab for avoiding expanding disease.
The spilt matters may produce aerosol (the suspended speck in the air, such
as smoke and fog.), so please pay attention to the warning about aerosol ( the
suspended speck in the air, such as smoke and fog.)
Only use the suitable rotor and adapter. The centrifuge can not be
manipulated with disease-causing, poisonous or radioactive matters unless
you substance (according to the “Laboratory Biosafety Manual” of the World
Health Organization.) is manipulated, the air safety level must be monitored.
The superior substances require a higher level of safe protection
You should follow the environment security and protection requirements
when destroying the discarded liquid.
Users have responsibility to clean ans sterilize centrifuge and accessory if
you need maintenance service from our company.
In a word, centrifuge is a high-risk common equipment in the lab which
refers to safety of people. Correct operation can avoid and reduce