You will then need to fi nd the programming button which is a small
button on the back or side of the transmitter. You will need to de-
press the button for 10-15 seconds. The motor should jog up and
down once then pause and jog a second time during this time
period. Once the motor has completed its second jog, then you can
start at step 1 of initial programming as the motor is clear.
Add/Delete a Channel/Transmitter
Select the channel/transmitter that is currently operating the motor,
then press the programming button until the motor jogs.
Select the new channel/transmitter that you want to add to the
motor, then press the programming button until the motor jogs.
The motor should now work on both the old and new channel/
Select the channel/transmitter that is currently operating the motor
and you want to keep, then press and hold the programming button
until the motor jogs.
Select the channel/transmitter that you want to remove, then press
and hold the programming button until the motor jogs.
The motor should now only work on the channel/transmitter from
Adjust Limits in User Mode
If your initial limits have changed or you want to fi ne tune a motor,
you do not need to reset the motor and re-program it. You can just
change the limits with these steps.
Move the motor to the limit (upper or lower) that you want to
Press and hold the UP and DOWN buttons until the motor jogs.
Move the motor to its new limit location.
Press and hold the STOP button until the shade jogs.
Nocturne Exterior Projection Screen by Draper
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(765) 987-7999
Channel se-
lector button
on Multi-
RTS Motor/Remote Programming Instructions
If you receive a Nocturne with an optional RTS motor from Draper,
Inc., the motor has no programming on it, so it must be learned and
programmed to work on the transmitter that you have. The limits must
also be set. Here are the initial programming instructions.
Connect power to motor. Select the transmitter/channel to which
you plan to learn the motor. Press and hold the UP and DOWN
buttons at the same time until the motor jogs, then release.
Check the motor run direction by press either the UP or DOWN
buttons. This is important because if you do step 3 without doing
this step, then you will need to reset the motor. If you need to
reverse the motor direction, then press the STOP button (middle
button which might be labeled MY) for 5 seconds until the motor
jogs. Check the direction again to make sure that it works.
Move the motor to its upper limit position. Press the STOP and
DOWN buttons at the same time until the motor starts to move
down, then release. You will stop the motor at its lower limit. You
can use the UP and DOWN buttons to adjust the motor to the
correct lower limit position if need be.
Once the motor is at its lower limit position, then press the UP and
STOP buttons at the same time until the motor starts to move up,
then release. The motor should move to the upper limit position in
step 3 and stop.
Once the motor has stopped at its upper limit position, then press
and hold the STOP button for 5 seconds until the motor jogs.
Now, you must put the motor into USER mode. Find the program-
ming button which is a small button on the back or side of the trans-
mitter and press it until the motor jogs. Once you have done this,
then the motor will operate in normal fashion.
Disconnect power to this motor and move to the next in your
installation and start with step 1. Reconnect motor to power when
all motors are programmed.
Reset Motor Instructions
If the motor is not working or responding correctly and you want to
reprogram it from the beginning and clear all previous programming,
then follow these steps.
Disconnect the motor from power for 2-5 seconds, reconnect to
power for 10-13 seconds, disconnect from power for 2-5 seconds,
and reconnect to power. The motor should move down a little after
you reconnect to power the last time.