The best accuracy is maintained by keeping the Moisture Meter clean and free
from damage or extreme temperatures.
It is essential to take readings at several different points of the bale. Remember
to test not only the middle but also the sides and the ends of the bale.
The accuracy of the measurements is affected by the density of the bale being
tested, as density applies different pressure on the probe and thus on the
moisture and temperature sensors.
Results are more reliable when the bale is densely packed as a tightly
compressed bale around the probe enables direct contact between the probe
and the forage.
Windrow, loose hay or straw should not be tested.
After testing bale with a particularly high moisture content remember to wipe off
the end of the probe to avoid affecting the next reading by the moisture
remaining on the probe.
When not in use, store the Moisture Meter in a dry place at normal room
temperature. Remember to protect it against water, especially the probe and the
cable connector.