Centreboard and rudder kick-up system
The centre board has been constructed in such a way that even the slightest touch of ground
makes it kick up automatically via the release cleat on the cabin top. To remount the release
cleat, just push down the clam cleat hard again.
The automatic quick release cleat can be fine adjusted on the Allan-screw at the aft end – if
it maybe releases too soon or too late.
Up- and downhaul you can adjust from the cockpit cabin top. Just like you can trim a dinghy
on the centreboard, you can also profitably do that on the Dragonfly.
Generally, we always recommend placing the centreboard all the way down upwind. On a
reach half way down and sailing downwind all up.
Do remember though, lowering the centreboard before tacking again. Under sail pressure
you cannot possibly adjust the centreboard – you will have to either luff into the wind or
bear off to dead downwind to adjust the centreboard. Downwind you will seldom find
adjusting problems.
The lifting centreboard line has a knot adjusted from the yard, which is the stop knot –
preventing the board from coming too far down. This knot must not be moved and/or
If the centreboard comes too far down, the centreboard can break up the centreboard box
and damage the boat seriously – and, the boat will get flooded.
Of course, if you know that you are going to a beach, we must recommend releasing the
centreboard downhaul line, because when hitting the ground in slow speed, the automatic
cleat will not release as quickly, and this will put extra unnecessary strain onto this system.