Dragonfire Racing
5) While keeping tension on first wrap feed slack through the bottom front side of buckle, pull tight.
(see photos below)
6) Wrap remaining slack up and over buckle, feeding through top slot from the front side and pull
tight. Excess slack may be cut or zip tied out of the way. (note: UTV’s with many different sized
riders will want to keep slack in case of future adjustment). (see photos below)
7) The next step is to get in and adjust your harness. While the car is off and set in park, put on the
harness. (Note: in some cases you will need to loosen first). You will want to start by adjusting the
Lap belts first. Lift up on synch buckle loop and pull slack down until belt lays flat across your lap.
Repeat on both sides until belt is snug. (see photos below)