Canadian DragonEye Speed LIDAR
Operator Manual
panel will also display a test pattern of alphanumeric characters
along with icons (note: not all icons may be active during use on your
software version). If all displays are illuminated and legible the
operator must press the
button to verify. The unit will
commence a series of internal tests and displays on the rear panel:
1. ChkSum: verifies no corruption of firmware
2. Firmware Version is displayed
3. DataFlash: verifies no corruption of specific unit settings in
flash memory (e.g. unit of measure, menu items, etc.)
4. Serial Number is displayed
5. Battery Voltage is displayed
6. Unit Temperature is displayed
Alignment Test
The operator will be prompted to complete a horizontal and vertical
alignment test of the HUD aiming reticle by selecting a target with
straight boundaries such as a utility pole or road sign at a distance of
30 metres or greater. While holding the trigger in, slowly pan the aim
point on and off the target edge, verifying the range reading in the
HUD changes as the reticle passes onto the target. The preceding
verifies horizontal alignment. Rotate the unit 90° onto its side while
continuing to look through the HUD and repeat the above test to
verify vertical alignment. This will allow the operator to confirm that
the infrared energy is contained within the aiming reticule and the
Lidar will confirm the range selected to perform this test. The
operator will again be prompted to press the
DragonEye Technology, LLC | Doc. 30508 Rev 05