Canadian DragonEye Speed LIDAR
Operator Manual
laser beam is invisible, but will be contained within the
aiming reticle. This is your aim point for target vehicles.
Roadside Setup
When first learning to use the DragonEye Speed LIDAR®, it is best to
select a straight stretch of roadway with a line of sight of 150 metres
or more. (or follow your provincial program)
Approaching or receding vehicles should be targeted such that your
line of sight through the HUD is as parallel as possible to the path of
the target vehicle.
This will minimize the “cosine effect” as described
in Appendix A of this manual. (Note: The cosine effect applies to
both stationary RADAR and LIDAR systems and always results in a
slightly lower than actual reading.) A good rule of thumb for
approximately straight roadways is to target a vehicle at a range
which is at least ten times the operator’s perpendicular distance to
the vehicles lane of travel. For example, if the operator is 9 metres
from the vehicle’s lane of travel, the vehicle should be targeted at 90
metres or greater. This would result in a measured speed reading
which was approximately 0.5% less than actual.
Measuring Vehicle Speeds
For approaching targets, aim the LIDAR’s reticle at the front grill
front license plate of the vehicle. Good targets for receding vehicles
are the license plate or tail lights. Use the boundaries of the reticle
pattern to ensure only the intended vehicle is being targeted.
Squeeze and hold the laser fire trigger while maintaining your aim.
You may hear an intermittent audible tone as the LIDAR searches for
a valid target signal. You will also see
“----“displayed in the HUD
indicating the laser is firing and a reading is being acquired. Once
target vehicle data is identified, the LIDAR will produce a continuous
DragonEye Technology, LLC | Doc. 30508 Rev 05