LLDS12 LoRaWAN LiDAR ToF Distance Sensor User Manual
Minimum Working Voltage for the LLDS12:
LLDS12: 2.45v ~ 3.6v
Replace Battery
Any battery with range 2.45 ~ 3.6v can be a replacement. We recommend to use Li-SOCl2 Battery.
And make sure the positive and negative pins match.
Power Consumption Analyze
Dragino Battery powered product are all runs in Low Power mode. We have an update battery
calculator which base on the measurement of the real device. User can use this calculator to
check the battery life and calculate the battery life if want to use different transmit interval.
Instruction to use as below:
Step 1: Downlink the up-to-date DRAGINO_Battery_Life_Prediction_Table.xlsx from:
Step 2: Open it and choose
Product Model
Uplink Interval
Working Mode
And the Life expectation in difference case will be shown on the right.