LLDS12 LoRaWAN LiDAR ToF Distance Sensor User Manual
Frequency Plans
The LLDS12 uses OTAA mode and below frequency plans by default. If user want to use it with
different frequency plan, please refer the AT command sets.
EU863-870 (EU868)
868.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
868.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125 and SF7BW250
868.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
867.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
867.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
867.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
867.7 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
867.9 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
868.8 - FSK
Uplink channels 1-9 (RX1)
869.525 - SF9BW125 (RX2 downlink only)
Used in USA, Canada and South America. Frequency band as per definition in LoRaWAN 1.0.3
Regional document.
To make sure the end node supports all sub band by default. In the OTAA Join process, the end
node will use frequency 1 from sub-band1, then frequency 1 from sub-band2, then frequency 1
from sub-band3, etc to process the OTAA join.
After Join success, the end node will switch to the correct sub band by:
Check what sub-band the LoRaWAN server ask from the OTAA Join Accept message and
switch to that sub-band
Use the Join successful sub-
band if the server doesn’t include sub
-band info in the OTAA
Join Accept message ( TTN v2 doesn't include)
CN470-510 (CN470)
Used in China, Default use CHE=1
486.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
486.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
486.7 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
486.9 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
487.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
487.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
487.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
487.7 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
506.7 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
506.9 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125
507.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125