Sentinel 01: Edition 1: July 2008 - Subject to Modification
Close the cylinder valve and observe the user interface display. The pressure reading
shall not decrease more than 200 psi in 1 minute.
If the SCBA fails this test, or an immediate leak is evident, do not continue with the
check. Vent the pressure, switch off the system and contact Dräger for repair.
Cover the outlet of the LDR with the ball of the hand and press the front button (2,
Fig 13).
Carefully lift the ball of the hand to slowly vent the system – observe the pressure
displayed on the user interface.
Note the pressures for the electronic EOST activation (indicated by an audible alarm
tone; flashing red and blue LEDs on the user interface; flashing red LED on the HUD)
and the mechanical whistle operation. Electronic and Mechanical activation does
not need to be simultaneous but both must be within the acceptable range (refer to
Technical Data – EOST Alarms). Refer to the Service Manual if the pressures are
outside the acceptable range.
Allow the system to vent to zero pressure. The display will show zero pressure and
all of the user interface LEDs (Fig 8) will flash at approximately one second intervals.
The green LED indicates that the system is still in active mode.
Press and hold the RH and LH buttons of the user interface until the display clears,
then immediately release the buttons.
The HUD red LED (Fig 14) will flash intermittently.
After approximately 180 seconds all six HUD LEDs will flash twice to indicate that
the unit has logged off from the Sentinel 7000.
Press the reset button of the LDR to switch off the positive pressure.
Open the cylinder valve slowly, but
fully, to pressurise system. The
Sentinel 7000 and HUD systems
will activate as follows:
The Sentinel 7000 will emit a single
tone and will commence a self-check
sequence (refer to Sentinel 7000
Self Check).
Up to approximately 45 seconds after
the start of the self check, all six
HUD LEDs (Fig 14) will flash twice
to indicate that the Sentinel 7000 is
communicating with the HUD.
Depending on cylinder pressure,
some of the line of four HUD LEDs
(red/amber/green/green) will flash
(on for 15 seconds/off for 45
Fig. 14