Dräger CPS 6800
Maintaining the fastener system
1. Lubricate the fastener system thoroughly after every use
and every cleaning and disinfection process. Use the
grease stick available from Dräger to do this.
2. In particular, lubricate the chain links on the zip fastener
and the area below the chain links on which the zip is
Check the seal on the chemical protective
The test is described for the test device Porta Control 3000.
You can carry out the tests with other test devices, but the
indicated values must be observed.
Carry out the test according to ISO 17491-1, method A.2 at
constant room temperature (20 °C ±5 °C).
The compressed air used must comply with the requirements
of EN 12021.
The required test accessories are listed in the order list (see
Preparation of test
1. Seal the connections for protective suits with ventilation
2. For protective suits with face cuffs:
a. Blow up the test fan moderately and close with a hose
b. Moisten the test fan with water and insert through the
open fastener system into the hood on the protective
c. Continue to blow the test fan until the face cuff is in
position all-round.
d. Seal the test fan with a hose clip.
3. For protective suits with integrated full face mask:
a. Remove the protective cap from the connector.
b. Seal the exhalation valve and inhalation valve using the
test accessories.
4. Close the fastener system.
5. Spread out the protective suit with the rear section
6. Unfasten the protective cap from the suit valve and remove
the valve disc.
7. Fit the double protective cap onto the suit valve.
8. Connect one connection of the test cap to the test unit via
the blue hose.
9. Ensure that both valves are connected to the black hose of
the test unit.
10. Connect the other connection of the test cap to the
compressed air supply (6 bar) via the black hose.
11. Carry out the test (see Chap. 6.5.2 on Page 33).
Carrying out the test
1. Open the blow up valve on the black hose and fill the
chemical protective suit until the test unit shows 17.5 mbar.
Close the blow up valve.
2. Set a settling time of 10 minutes start the stopwatch.
During this time, keep the pressure at approx. 17 mbar so
that a pressure and temperature compensation can be
carried out. If required, top up the air.
3. Open the relief valve. Lower the pressure to 16.5 mbar.
Close the relief valve.
4. Set a test time of 6 minutes and start the stopwatch.
5. Read off the pressure on the test unit at the end of the test
If the pressure drop is less than or equal to 3 mbar, the
chemical protective suit is deemed sealed. Then disassemble
the test setup and the suit valve.
If the pressure drop is greater than 3 mbar:
1. Moisten critical points (such as seams, fastener system,
glove and boot connections) with soapy water.
2. Mark leaking areas.
3. Wash off the soapy water and thoroughly dry the chemical
protective suit.
4. De-aerate and repair the chemical protective suit.
5. Repeat the leak test.
Alternatively, the chemical protective suit can be returned to
Dräger for repair.
To prevent the closure system sticking, protruding
textile threads must be removed.
If the suit is overfilled, the material will be damaged.
When filling the chemical protective suit ensure that
the pressure does not exceed the specified values.