Dräger CPS 6800
After use
Precleaning of the chemical protective suit
1. Leave the contaminated area and have the chemical
protective suit precleaned by an assistant. The assistant
must also wear protective clothing and breathing apparatus
where necessary.
For precleaning, Dräger recommends using plenty of water
to which a detergent has been added. This will be sufficient
to wash away most chemicals (acids, alkalis, organic and
inorganic substances).
2. Clean the chemical protective suit thoroughly for a
sufficient time. Avoid spreading chemicals.
3. In the event of contamination with hazardous substances,
dispose of the waste water in line with the relevant waste
waster disposal regulations.
4. If necessary, carry out decontamination in several steps.
Further information on decontamination can be obtained
from Dräger.
Taking off the chemical protective suit
1. Remove the safety helmet where applicable.
2. If the chemical protective suit is equipped with an air supply
unit, have the air supply disconnected by a second person.
3. Disconnect the breathing apparatus from the full face
mask, and set down.
4. Unfasten the straps on the full face mask:
Insert a finger underneath the straps on the neckband and
push the adjusting buckles forwards using your thumb.
5. If the chemical protective suit is equipped with an
integrated full face mask:
a. Open the fastener system.
Always pull in the direction of the zip. Do not use force.
b. Remove the hood and mask back over the head.
c. After this point, take out the right arm, then the left arm
from the sleeves.
6. If the chemical protective suit is equipped with a face cuff:
a. Remove the full face mask.
b. Open the fastener system.
Always pull in the direction of the zip. Do not use force.
c. Take your head out of the head part.
d. After this point, take out the right arm, then the left arm
from the sleeves.
7. If the chemical protective suit is fitted with braces, remove
the braces.
8. Fold the chemical protective suit away from the wearer in
such a way that no chemicals or cleaning agents can enter
the interior of the suit.
9. Climb out of the safety boots and trouser legs.
Never touch contaminated parts unless wearing
protective clothing. Avoid contaminating the clean
interior of the suit.
Failure to meet the required safety precautions may
result in death or serious injury.
If precleaning is not possible on site, remove and close
the suit immediately to prevent chemicals from
entering the suit.
Only take off the chemical protective suit in a non-
contaminated area.
For chemical protective suits with face cuffs: if liquid
splashes or aerosols sprays occur that could have
penetrated between the full face mask and face cuff,
bend the head forward, remove the full face mask and
wipe down the face cuff without any chemicals getting
into the face area in the process.
Dräger recommends that you keep a record of the
mission (see Chap. 10 on Page 40).