Low flight times (continued)
If the temperature is high you will
experience decreased flight times
Hotter temperatures result in thinner
air and less lift. The Draganflyer has
to work harder and is less efficient
This is normal until about
¼ throttle
Observe if the speed of the motors
match up as the throttle is increased
The Trim Tabs may be set too far
in one or more directions
Set the trim tabs to neutral and re
trim the helicopter
Magnets in motors may have
dropped. This will reduce the
power output and efficiency
This is normally caused by a rough
landing or crash. Use a flathead
screwdriver to push gray magnet up
in motor
The main gear in the drive system
may be too tight
Slightly loosen the bolt securing the
main gear. Only do this on the slower
turning motors
Rotors do not spin at the same
The motors may be wearing out
Motors will need to be replaced after
extensive use. Worn motors will feel
rough when turned by hand. When
running they will smell like burning
electronics and may make a squeal
ing noise
Power switch may be in the off
Turn Power Switch “On”
The fuse on the circuit board may
be blown. If blown the wire in the
fuse will be broken
Replace with a 20 amp automotive
Bad connection between battery
and circuit board
Make sure battery is securely
plugged into the connector
No power to the circuit board (red
light is off)
The circuit board may have a mal
functioning component
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