640GM - 760GM
4.3. Lighting a fire
In order to create sufficient draught and to
prevent smoke from being emitted into the
room, the chimney should be warm
enough before lighting a fire. A cold chim-
ney can be heated up by lighting a ball of
paper above the fire plate or at the back of
the bunker.
To kindle the fire in the stove you can use
paper and/or firelighters and small pieces
of wood.
Slightly open the door and turn the air
slides wide open.
It is important that the kindled fire should
burn intensely. You can then throw larger
pieces of wood onto the fire, and close the
door. When the fire has eventually stabi-
lized and is glowing enough, you can put
the logs or the brown coal briquettes or
the coals on the fire.
4.4. Burning wood
The best management of the hearth can be
obtained by shutting off the primary air-
flow (1) completely (= thermostat) and by
fully regulating the air intake with secon-
dary airflow (2). If this management proves
to be insufficient, or in order to fan the
fire, one can temporarily open the primary
airflow for extra air intake.
Make sure that the furnace door is always
shut adequately.
Never stoke with an open door.
Add fuel timely. Do not add too much fuel
at once. It is best to fill the hearth to maxi-
mally one third and to add regularly.
Always open the filling door slowly and
always open it for the shortest time possible. Before adding, make sure that the
charcoal base is distributed equally over the stoking surface. If needed, open the
primary air valve for a little while.
If the wood is piled up loosely, it will burn very quickly because the oxygen will
reach every piece of wood easily. This piling is used when one wants to stoke in a
short time. When the wood is piled more compactly, it will burn slower as the air can
only reach particular pieces of wood. It is best to use this piling method if one wants
to stoke for a longer period of time
Low intensity fires cause tar and creosote to deposit in the chimney after a long pe-
riod of time. Tar and creosote are highly combustible substances. Thicker layers of
these substances might catch fire when the temperature in the chimney increases
= open
= closed