TT5049 EOM-PV20M 9/05
Step 4
Remove the air valve end cap to ex-
pose the air valve spool by simply
lifting up on the end cap once the
air valve bolts are removed. Note:
Pro-Flo V™ air valve incorporates
an end cap at both ends of the air
Step 5
Remove the air valve spool from the air
valve body by threading one air valve
bolt into the end of the air valve spool
and gently sliding the spool out of the
air valve body. Inspect seals for signs of
wear and replace entire assembly if nec-
essary. Use caution when handling air
valve spool to prevent damaging seals.
Note: Seals should not be removed
from assembly. Seals are not sold sepa-
Step 6
Remove pilot sleeve retaining snap
ring on both sides of center section
with snap ring pliers.
Step 7
Remove pilot spool sleeve from en-
ter section.
Step 8
Identify the end of the pilot stool that
has been marked with a “center punch.”
Using an o-ring pick, gently remove the
o-ring from the opposite side of the pi-
lot spool. Gently remove the pilot spool
from pilot spool sleeve and inspect for
nicks, gouges and wear. Replace pilot
sleeve or outer sleeve o-rings if neces-
sary. During re-assembly, never insert
the pilot spool into the sleeve with the
“center punch” side fi rst. This end in-
corporates the urethane o-ring and will
be damaged if it slides over the ports
cut into the sleeve. Note: Seals should
not be removed from pilot spool. Seals
are not sold separately.
A I R V A L V E / C E N T E R S E C T I O N D I S A S S E M B L Y
Step 9
Check center section Glyd™ rings
for signs of wear. If necessary,
remove the Glyd™ rings with an
o-ring pick and replace.