TT5049 EOM-PV20M 9/05
To o l s R e q u i r e d :
3/16" Hex Head Wrench
• 1/4" Hex Head Wrench
• Snap
• O-Ring
CAUTION: Before any maintenance or repair is attempted, the compressed air line
to the pump should be disconnected and all air pressure allowed to bleed from
the pump. Disconnect all intake, discharge, and air lines. Drain the pump fl uid to
fl ow into a suitable container. Be aware of hazardous effects of contact with your
process fl uid.
Step 1
Using a 3/16” hex head wrench,
loosen air valve bolts.
Step 2
Remove muffl er plate and air valve
bolts from air valve assembly to ex-
pose muffl er gasket for inspection.
Replace if necessary.
Step 3
Lift away the air valve assembly and
remove air valve gasket for inspec-
tion. Replace if necessary.
A I R V A L V E / C E N T E R S E C T I O N D I S A S S E M B L Y