The keypad and its elastomer overlay: 6 navigation keys and 12 numbers keys
The 6 navigation keys are on the 2 first lines at the top of the keyboard.
The 6 navigation keys of the 2 top lines of the keyboard are enough to navigate throughout the interface
menus. They are separated from the other keys by a thin horizontal line that you can feel by running your
fingers from the bottom to the top of the keypad overlay.
The 2 central column keys are the
keys or
. Through those keys you
can navigate through the interface menus. In the menus pressing the Up key reads the previous item
whereas pressing the Down key reads the next one. For an entry or text display screen, those keys allow
you to select a character, word or sentence within the text.
keys, essential for going from one screen to the other, are respectively right and left of
the Down arrow key, on the second line from the top.
The 2 remaining keys both have 2 different actions depending on the kind of screen you are on.
key is above the
key on the left. It launches the voice recognition system from the entry
screens and the Home screen. For the other screens it opens the application-specific options screens.
key is above the
key on the right. It deletes the characters from edit text screens and
gives the information on network strength, battery level, GPS, and Bluetooth from the other screens.
The 12 numbers keys are the 4 bottom lines of the keyboard
Under the 6 navigation keys is the standard numerical keyboard. The first row contains keys 1, 2, 3. The
second row contains keys 4, 5, 6, the third row contains 7, 8, 9 and the fourth row contains star, 0 and
hash. A dot can be found under the 5 key to spot it more easily.
In a text input screen, the keypad works similarly as on traditional buttons mobile phones. For example
press quickly two times on 2 to type the letter b or three times to type the letter c. Note that by holding
down the 2 key for a longer time, you will enter the number 2.
While on a text input screen, press the # (Hash) key (under the 9 key) to select the keypad typing mode
(mixed case, lower case, numbers).
Besides, in menus screens, you can directly type the numerical position of items to launch them. For
example, to open your contact list, press the Home button if you are not already on the Home screen, then
press 1 and 2. Pressing 1 first opens the “Phone” menu which centralizes the calling, contacts, call history
and shortcuts management functions; then, pressing 2 launches the Contact list application.
Practicing navigating through your phone is essential at this point
All the menus are displayed as vertical lists on the screen and are numbered so that you can know how
many lines form the active menu. The phone reads the first line of the screen, and that is also the line that
you will select if you press the OK button.
When you find yourself on a screen you are not familiar with, the best reflex to have is to push on the
Down Arrow key to go down to the last item and select by pressing OK. You can then go back up to the item
that is of interest to you with the Up Arrow key and select it with OK.
If you use a function on a regular basis, you should learn the numerical shortcut to be able to access it more
quickly. For example to check out the Calls history, it is easier from the Home menu to press on 1 then 3
rather than to press OK to open the Phone screen, press 2 times on the Down arrow key and then OK again.