Set the date manually
If you have decided to set the date manually, you will get to a 4 line form with on the first line the year field
(ex: 2013), on the second line the month field (enter a number between 1 and 12); on the third line the day
field (enter a number between 1 and 31) and on the fourth line the Submit button.
Set the time manually
You here will have a 3 line form to fill in with on the first line the hours (number between 0 and 23), on the
second line the minutes (number between 0 and 59) and on the third line the Submit button.
Set the Time Zone manually
If you have decided to set the time zone manually you will access a list of the different existing time zones.
You can browse this list using the Up and Down arrow keys and then press OK to select the time zone you
About your phone
In this settings submenu, you will be able to access some information about your phone like:
Your phone model The Android version
The Battery state
The IMEI number (equivalent to the serial number of your phone)
The mobile network to which you are connected