Sensory Sky
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Rain panel
60 kg
3 tubes fragrance module - rain panel
Length per tube
15 m
ambient temperature
Max. rain panel
55 °C
Min. rain panel
5 °C
Max. control elements
35 °C
Min. control elements
5 °C
Max. storage
35 °C
Min. storage
5 °C
Max. fragrance module
30 °C
Min. fragrance module
5 °C
storage dust-free and dry!
to be provided by the customer:
Space required for all components
in the sub-distribution board
(internal dimensions):
min. 500 x 500 mm
Space required
for fragrance modules:
1000 x 210 x 140
(overall dimensions)
earth leakage circuit breaker
30 mA, Type A
Safety cutout
6 A, Type B
3 x circuit breaker
16A Type 1S
Ductwork (for power supply) from
sub-distribution board
to ceiling installation enclosure
for rain panel and concealed rough
part eVALVe (hand shower set)
Ø 32 mm max. 12 m
Ductwork (for ethernet cable) from
sub-distribution board
to ceiling installation enclosure
for rain panel
Ø 32 mm max. 12 m
Ductwork (fragrance tubing) from
ceiling installation enclosure
for rain panel to fragrance modules
Ø 32 mm max. 12 m
2 x Ductwork (for signal line and power supply)
from sub-distribution board
to fragrance modules
Ø 32 mm max. 1 m
equipotential bonding for ceiling installation
enclosure for concealed rough part
eVALVe (hand shower set)
4 mm²
A pressure reducing valve and main filter to be provided by
the customer (installed after the water meter).
The following components (scope of delivery)
have to be positioned to be accessible at all times:
4 x Shut off for hot and cold water pipes (DN 20)
2 x Filter for hot and cold water pipes (DN 20)
2 x Backflow preventer Type BA according to eN 1717
for hot and cold water pipes
Technical data
Zones of protection
Pre-wall installation