Once the DFEP has been placed, anchored and connected to electrical power, compressed air and to a duct from the associated
equipment, the collector is ready for initial start and commissioning.
Typical commissioning sequence:
1. Once powered, verify the Delta P-C01
(or Delta P Plus) comes “on line” and shows a filter restriction of near zero on the digital
a. “Bump” the fan to initiate rotation. Momentarily hit the
ON button followed by the OFF button.
b. As the fan is winding down (unpowered), open the
visually observe the direction of fan rotation.
c. Compare fan rotation to the rotation label (located
adjacent to the fan) direction.
3. If the fan rotation is reversed, correct the rotation.
a. Turn off the collector and Lock-Out all energy sources.
b. Within the top mounted junction box, swap the
connection location of two power leads on the
terminal block, making certain not to swap a power
lead and the ground wire.
Do not interchange a power lead with a ground
wire or severe personal injury and/or
property damage may result.
5. Using the owner supplied pressure regulator, set the incoming manifold pressure to 60-psig. Operational experience will
determine if the manifold pressure should be increased. If the DFEP is pulse cleaning more than a few timers in a shift, simply
60-psig offers the lowest noise and compressed air consumption.
6. Using the Delta P-C01
(or Delta P Plus) Installation Manual as a guide, confirm the values of the Low, High, and Alarm set points.
7. For the dust bin, verify the horizontal handle of the dust bin sealer mechanism is in the down and locked position.
between 0.4 and 0.8 inches of water.
10. Log the date of initial operation and begin operation. Frequently check the dust bin level and empty as appropriate.
Initial Start-up / Commissioning