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Dear client ,

All of our products are always submitted to a strict quality control before they are sold to you. 

Should you nevertheless experience problems with your device, we sincerely regret this.

In that case, we kindly request you to contact our customer service.

Our staff will gladly assist you.

+32 14 21 71 91                  [email protected]

Monday – Thursday: 8.30 – 12.00 and 13.00 – 17.00

Friday: 8.30 – 12.00 and 13.00 – 16.30

This appliance has a two year warranty period. During this period the manufacturer is responsible for 
any failures that are the direct result of construction failure. When these failures occur the appliance will 
be repaired or replaced if necessary. The warranty will not be valid when the damage to the appliance is 
caused by wrong use, not following the instructions or repairs executed by a third party. The guarantee is 
issued with the original till receipt. All parts, which are subject to wear, are excluded from the warranty.
If your device breaks down within the 2-year warranty period, you can return the device together with 
your receipt to the shop where you purchased it.
The guarantee on accessories and components that are liable to wear-and-tear is only 6 months.

The guarantee and responsibility of the supplier and manufacturer lapse automatically in the following 

 · If the instructions in this manual have not been followed.
 · In case of incorrect connection, e.g., electrical voltage that is too high.
 · In case of incorrect, rough or abnormal use.
 · In case of insufficient or incorrect maintenance.
 · In case of repairs or alterations to the device by the consumer or non-authorised third parties.
 · If the customer used parts or accessories that are not recommended or provided by the supplier / 



When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be taken, including the 

 · Read all instructions carefully. Keep this manual for future reference. 
 · Make sure all packaging materials and promotional stickers have been removed before using the 

appliance for the first time. Make sure children cannot play with the packaging materials.

 · This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as:

 · staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments;
 · farm houses;
 · by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments;
 · bed and breakfast type environments.

 · Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
 · This appliance can be used by children aged from 16 years and above and persons with reduced 

physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given 

Summary of Contents for DO331L

Page 1: ...oi Soudeuse de feuilles sous vide Gebrauchsanleitung Vakuumierger t Instruction booklet Vacuum sealer Manual de instrucciones Selladora al vac o Istruzioni per l uso Macchina per sottovuoto N vod k po...

Page 2: ...n manual for future reference Lea detenidamente todas las instrucciones Conserve este manual para futura referencia Leggere con attenzione le istruzioni conservarle per future consultazioni P ed pou i...

Page 3: winkel waar je het toestel hebt aangekocht De garantie op accessoires en onderdelen die onderhevig zijn aan slijtage bedraagt 6 maanden De garantie en verantwoordelijkheid aansprakelijkheid van de...

Page 4: ...toezicht is noodzakelijk wanneer het toestel door of in de buurt van kinderen gebruikt wordt Het gebruik van accessoires die niet aanbevolen of verkocht worden door de fabrikant kan brand elektrische...

Page 5: ...Zo kan je de vacu mdruk in een verpakking controleren om te voorkomen dat bepaalde stoffen geplet worden 3 Pulse vacuum Wanneer je deze toets indrukt zal de vacu mpomp inschakelen Laat je de knop los...

Page 6: zal het toestel te warm worden en mogelijk beschadigd raken De Seal toets op het toestel zal niet werken wanneer deze binnen de 15 seconden na het vorige gebruik opnieuw wordt ingedrukt Het toestel...

Page 7: ...der plooien 4 Druk het deksel met handvat naar beneden tot het vastklikt 5 Kies de lastijd met de Sealing toets Stel de druk in met de Pressure toets 6 Druk op de PulseVacuum toets Laat de knop los wa...

Page 8: ...ongeveer 5 minuten 7 We raden aan het programma te herhalen Het beste resultaat bekom je na 3 cyclussen 8 Verwijder de slang uit de container en nadien uit het toestel HOUDBAARHEID Door het folielasap...

Page 9: ...PBERGEN Doe het deksel van het toestel niet op slot na het gebruik Dit kan de dichtingsringen beschadigen met als gevolg dat het vacu m verpakken niet meer goed werkt Plaats het snoer in de snoeropber...

Page 10: ...rop dat dit product niet als huishoudafval mag worden behandeld Het moet naar een plaats worden gebracht waar elektrische en elektronische apparatuur wordt gerecycleerd Als je ervoor zorgt dat dit pro...

Page 11: ...contraire brutale ou anormale Entretien insuffisant ou non conforme R paration ou modification de l appareil par le consommateur ou un tiers non autoris Utilisation d l ments ou d accessoires qui ne...

Page 12: ...ovoquer un incendie une lectrocution ou des blessures Retirez la fiche de la prise lorsque l appareil n est pas utilis avant d installer ou d enlever des pi ces et avant de nettoyer l appareil Mettez...

Page 13: ...uleau de film Quand la fonction automatique Vacuum Seal est active cette touche arr te la pompe vide et scelle imm diatement l emballage Ainsi vous pouvez contr ler le niveau de vide dans un emballage...

Page 14: Posez l appareil sur une surface plane et stable Pr voyez un espace de travail suffisant autour de l appareil UTILISATION Cet appareil est uniquement destin un usage domestique Nous conseillons de...

Page 15: ...tour indiquant que le sachet est en cours de soudage la fin de l emballage les voyants s teindront nouveau Un 0 s affiche l cran 7 Ouvrez le couvercle pour contr le que le sachet est bien ferm EMBALL...

Page 16: ...a bo te de conservation Ne surchargez pas la bo te afin que le couvercle reste bien en contact avec elle 3 Le tuyau se trouve dans le logement pr vu l int rieur de l appareil Retirez le 4 Appuyez sur...

Page 17: ...solaire direct Ne laissez jamais l appareil tomber au sol N utilisez pas de produits nettoyants agressifs ou abrasifs pour nettoyer l appareil SACHETS EN FILM PLASTIQUE Vous pouvez nettoyer les sachet...

Page 18: est bien propre et parfaitement lisse La bo te de conservation n est encore pas sous vide V rifiez que le tuyau est branch correctement Assurez vous que le bouton du couvercle fait face l indicatio...

Page 19: ...Monate Die Garantie und dieVerantwortung Haftung des Lieferanten und Herstellers entfallen automatisch in den folgenden F llen Bei Nichtbeachtung der Anweisungen in dieser Bedienungsanleitung Bei fal...

Page 20: ...d oder Reparatur Beim Einsatz des Ger tes in Anwesenheit von Kindern ist strenge Aufsicht geboten DieVerwendung von Zubeh r das nicht vom Hersteller empfohlen oder verkauft wird besteht die Gefahr von...

Page 21: ...ste dieVakuumpumpe aus und dieVerpackung wird sofort geschlossen Damit k nnen Sie denVakuumdruck in der Verpackung kontrollieren und vermeiden dass bestimmte Produkte zerquetscht werden 3 PulseVacuum...

Page 22: ...ausreichend Arbeitsfl che GEBRAUCH Das Ger t ist f r den Hausgebrauch bestimmt Wir empfehlen das Ger t nach jederVerwendung abk hlen zu lassen Das Ger t darf nur 1 Mal pro Minute und in dieser Art und...

Page 23: ...n Anschlie end leuchtet auch die Kontrollleuchte der Manual Seal Taste Der Beutel wird nun verschlossen Nach dem Abschluss des Verpackungsvorgangs erl schen die Kontrollleuchten wieder Im Display wird...

Page 24: ...l und der Dichtungsring des Deckels sauber sind bevor Sie diese verwenden 2 Geben Sie die Lebensmittel die Sie marinieren wollen in den Vorratsbeh lter F llen Sie nicht zu viel in den Beh lter damit d...

Page 25: ...Sie immer sicher dass der Dichtungsring w hrend derVerwendung des Ger ts vollst ndig trocken ist Setzen Sie das Ger t keinen extremenTemperaturschwankungen Feuchtigkeit St en Staub oder direktem Sonn...

Page 26: ...mel Fett usw ffnen Sie den Beutel nochmals und versuchen Sie ihn erneut zu verschlie en Der Beutel schmilzt und ist nicht gut verschlossen Achten Sie darauf dass die Innenseite des Beutels sauber und...

Page 27: ...sponsibility of the supplier and manufacturer lapse automatically in the following cases If the instructions in this manual have not been followed In case of incorrect connection e g electrical voltag...

Page 28: ...nce is used near or by children The use of accessories that are not recommended or sold by the manufacturer can cause fire electrical shock or injuries Unplug the appliance when it is not in use befor...

Page 29: ...In this way you can control the vacuum pressure in a package in order to prevent certain substances from being flattened 3 Pulse vacuum If you press this button the vacuum pump is switched on If you l...

Page 30: ...overheat and may get damaged The seal button on the machine will no longer work if it is pressed again within 15 seconds after the previous use The appliance works only with the film supplied with it...

Page 31: ...ess the lid down using the handle so that it clicks shut 5 Select the weld time using the Sealing button Set the pressure with the Pressure button 6 Press the PulseVacuum button Release the button whe...

Page 32: ...the machine is ready The marinate function takes around 5 minutes 7 We recommend repeating the programme The best results are achieved after 3 cycles 8 Remove the hose from the container and then fro...

Page 33: ...ter use This could damage the sealing rings resulting in the vacuum packaging no longer working properly Place the cord in the cord storage at the back of the machine Never wrap the cord around the ma...

Page 34: ...ging indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste Instead it must be brought to the applicable collection point for recycling of electrical and electronic equipment By ensuring th...

Page 35: ...nes Conserve este manual para consultarlo posteriormente Antes del primer uso retire todos los materiales de embalaje y etiquetas promocionales Aseg rese de que los ni os no puedan jugar con el materi...

Page 36: ...l ctrico o con otro aparato caliente No utilice el aparato en el exterior Utilice el aparato s lo para el fin para el que se ha fabricado Coloque siempre el aparato sobre una superficie firme horizont...

Page 37: utilizar para ajustar el tiempo de envasado dependiendo del alimento que se va a envasar Configuraci n Dry para bolsitas secas o sustancias sin humedad que requieren un tiempo de sellado m s corto...

Page 38: cuchilla de corte 4 Aseg rese de que la l mina est limpia y no presenta pliegues 5 Coloque un extremo abierto de la l mina sobre la tira de sellado ATENCI N no deje que la pel cula llegue hasta la...

Page 39: ...o No llene en exceso el recipiente para que la tapa permanezca en contacto con el recipiente 3 El tubo se encuentra en el espacio de almacenamiento provisto dentro del aparato S quelo 4 Presione la ta...

Page 40: ...idos 7 15 25 40 Verduras 1 3 7 10 Fruta 5 7 14 20 Conservaci n en el congelador 18 C Normal Al utilizar el sellador Carne pescado y marisco 3 5 meses 1 a o LIMPIEZAY MANTENIMIENTO APARATO Siempre se d...

Page 41: est activada deje que el aparato se enfr e El aparato no ha envasado al vac o toda la bolsa Compruebe que la bolsa est bien posicionada en la c mara de vac o sin cubrir la entrada de aire Aseg rese...

Page 42: ...ed ayudar a evitar posibles consecuencias negativas para las personas y el medio ambiente que ser an causadospor un tratamiento de residuos inadecuado Para obtener informaci n m s detallada sobre el r...

Page 43: ...sultazioni Prima di utilizzare il prodotto togliere tutti gli imballi e gli eventuali adesivi promozionali Assicurarsi che i bambini non giochino con gli imballaggi Questo apparecchio destinato unicam...

Page 44: ...visto Utilizzare sempre l apparecchio su una superficie stabile asciutta e in piano L apparecchio inteso solo per uso domestico Il produttore non responsabile di incidenti causati da uso improprio del...

Page 45: ...breve La spia luminosa Dry si accende Impostazione Moist per alimenti umidi o contenenti pi umidit che necessitano di un tempo di sigillatura pi lungo Si accendono le spie luminose Dry e Moist Imposta...

Page 46: ...basso fino a sentire un clic Sul display appare uno 0 Ora il coperchio chiuso 7 Premere il tasto Manual Seal per avviare l apparecchio e sigillare un lato della pellicola La spia luminosa rossa del ta...

Page 47: l estremit del tubicino nel foro di aspirazione a destra del pannello comandi Inserire l altra estremit nell apertura del coperchio 5 Ruotare la manopola del coperchio con la freccia sulla parola S...

Page 48: ...chio non penetri nessun liquido Togliere tutti i residui di sacchetti sigillati in precedenza dalla barra saldante dell apparecchio con un panno morbido Pulire la barra saldante solo quando completame...

Page 49: ...nella camera di aspirazione senza coprire il foro di aspirazione La banda saldante pu surriscaldarsi Attendere qualche minuto fino al suo completo raffreddamento e riprovare Forse il sacchetto forato...

Page 50: ...nga smaltito correttamente aiuterete a prevenire potenziali conseguenze negative per l ambiente e la salute dell uomo che potrebbero essere causate da uno smaltimento non corretto Per maggiori informa...

Page 51: ...servisn m st edisku firmy Domo elektro s r o Hlubok 147 34506 Kdyn viz www domo elektro cz tel 379 789 684 nebo na servis domo elektro cz tel 379 422 550 BEZPE NOSTN POKYNY P i pou v n jakk hokoli el...

Page 52: ...ntrolovat p padn odborn opravit Pokud jsou v bl zkosti p stroje d ti dbejte maxim ln opatrnosti Nikdy nepou vejte neorigin ln p slu enstv mohlo by zp sobit po r nebo riziko poran n el proudem Pokud p...

Page 53: ods v n a ihned s ek zava te Takto lze snadno regulovat v sledn podtlak v s ku a zabr n te aby se jemn sypk potraviny neods ly 3 Pulsn vakuov n ods t PULSEVACUUM Stiskem tla tka spust te ods v n J...

Page 54: ...j je ur en pouze pro dom c pou it Doporu ujeme p stroj v dy mezi 2 balen mi nechat dostate n vychladnout P stroj sm b t pou v n 1x za minutu a tento cyklus opakovat pouze 10x za sebou Pokud tento cykl...

Page 55: ...te uchovat vlo te do s ku Otev ete v ko p stroje 3 Otev en konec s ku polo te do p stroje tak aby byl uvnit ods vac komory 4 Konec s ku mus b t naprosto ist bez zbytk jak chkoli potravin Sna te se dr...

Page 56: ...vo od ovl dac ho panelu a druh konec napojte od otvoru ve v ku n doby 5 Oto n knofl k na v ku oto te tak aby ipka sm ovala na slovo OPEN otev en 6 Pro jistotu jednou rukou dr te stla en v ko na n dob...

Page 57: ...ekr t S ek sta vym t vla nou vodou p padn s trochou sapon tu S ky je mo n vkl dat i do my ky n dob Do my ky se s ky mus vkl dat oto en na rub tak aby voda mohla om t celou vnit n plochu s ku P ed op t...

Page 58: ...kuace v n dob Zkontrolujte spr vn nasazen hadi ky Ujist te se aby oto n knofl k na v ku byl oto en do pozice SEAL B hem procesu vakuace p idr ujte v ko n doby nikoli obli ejem nad n dobou Hrana n doby...

Page 59: ...n pozri www domo elektro cz tel 379 789 684 alebo na servis domo elektro cz tel 379 422 550 BEZPE NOSTN POKYNY Pri pou van jakk hokoli el spotrebi e dbajte na zv en opatrnos a dodr ujte ur it bezpe no...

Page 60: ...s v bl zkosti pr stroja deti dbajte maxim ln opatrnosti Nikdy nepou vajte neorigin lne pr slu enstvo mohlo by sp sobi po iar alebo riziko poranenia el pr dom Pokia pr stroj nebudete pou va dlh iu dob...

Page 61: ...preru me ods vania a ihne s ok zavar te Takto mo no ahko regulova v sledn podtlak v s ku a zabr nite aby sa jemn sypk potraviny neods ly 3 Pulzn v kuovanie odsatie PULSEVACUUM Stla en m tla idla spust...

Page 62: 10x za sebou Pokia tento cyklus presiahnete pr stroj sa m e prehria a to m e d js k jeho po kodeniu Tla idlo SEAL zv ranie sa pou vaj iba 1x za 15 sek nd Pri krat om intervale tla idlo zv ranie neb...

Page 63: ...a dr ek koniec s ku o najviac rovn aby t nevznikali prehyby alebo hr e 5 Zavrite veko a pomocou rukov te zatla te k m nebudete po u zacvaknutie 6 Nastavte si as tavenie zv ru pomocou tla idla SEALING...

Page 64: 6 Nastavte si po adovan tlak 7 Pre istotu jednou rukou dr te stla en veko na n dobe aby sa zamedzilo pr padn mu niku vzduchu Na ovl dacom paneli stla te tla idlo MARINATE marinovanie Rozsvieti sa...

Page 65: ...a vymy vla nou vodou pr padne s trochou sapon tu S ky je mo n vklada aj do um va ky riadu Do um va ky sa s ky mus vklada oto en na rub tak aby voda mohla umy cel vn torn plochu vrecka Pred op tovn m p...

Page 66: vakuace v n dobe Skontrolujte spr vne nasadenie hadi ky Uistite sa aby oto n gomb k na veku bol oto en do poz cie SEAL Po as procesu vakuace pridr iavajte veko n doby nie tv rou nad n dobou Hrana n...

Page 67: ...67 DO331L www domo elektro be SK...

Page 68: ...cessoires en onderdelen online via of scan hier COMMANDEZ d authentiques accessoires et pi ces Domo en ligne sur ou scannez ici BESTELLEN SIE die Domo Original Zubeh r und Ersatzteile online ber oder...
