J. Auto Generator Start (AGS)
On RVs equipped with an optional AGS Kit, the vehicle generator will automatically
start when any zone calls for cooling and will shut OFF when zones reach set point.
The Auto Generator Start (AGS) function will be implemented by an individual pow-
er module board con
gured for this function by setting the
DIP switch
ON. On the AGS power module board a relay shall be used to provide a start sig-
nal to the generator. The normally open relay contacts are utilized and the closure
of these contacts provides the signal to start the generator. The AGS relay shall
be activated when any zone or stage requires cooling, heat pump, dehumidi
er or
heat strip operation. When a zone calls for heating, cooling or dehumidi
cation, the
AGS relay shall be closed, followed by a time delay to allow the generator to warm
up after which time the output relay will be activated on the zone that initiated the
heating, cooling or dehumidi
cation request. When the heat/cool and dehumidify
requests in all zones have been satis
ed, the AGS relay will open and the generator
will shut-down.
K. Load Shed
The Dometic CCC 2 thermostat has provisions for Load Shedding. The AC pow-
er module board shall provide the 12 Vdc source for the Load Shed signal. This
12 Vdc source shall be turned ON 1 second before the compressor relay when the
system calls for the compressor to be ON. The Load Shed source shall remain ON
when compressor is caused to turn OFF due to being disable by either a Freeze
Sensor or a Load Shed condition. The load shed source signal will be switched to
the Load Shed input by the normally open contacts or an off-board relay from the RV
power management system. When the Load Shed signal is detected, the compres-
sor shall turn OFF.
L. Defrost Cycle (Heat Pump Models Only)
To avoid frost formation on the outside coil and to obtain maximum performance
when the outside temperature is less than 42 °F (6 °C) and greater than 30 °F
(-1 °C), a defrost cycle will be initiated. While operating in this temperature range the
compressor continuous run time is limited to 25 minutes. When this time is accumu-
lated, the fan will shut OFF, the refrigerant
ow will be reversed, and the compres-
sor will continue to run for 4.5 minutes. During this 4.5 minute period, the LCD will
toggle between HP and Defrost. The refrigerant
ow will then be reversed and after
a 30 second delay the fan will resume operation. This cycle will remove any frost
formation on the outside coil. This cycle will repeat itself until the outside tempera-
ture is greater than 42 °F (6 °C). If the outside temperature becomes less than 30 °F
(-1 °C) the heat pump will shut OFF and the auxiliary heat (if provided) will turn ON.
M. Compressor Time Delay
A time delay of approximately 2 minutes occurs any time the compressor is required
to begin the cooling or heat pump cycle.
C. Temperature Format °F / °C
Press the
°F / °C
button to switch between Fahrenheit and Centigrade format.
“°F” indicates Fahrenheit and “°C” indicates Centigrade.
D. Inside Temperature
Press and hold the
button and the LCD will display the current inside
temperature recorded at the CCC 2 Thermostat (or at the optional remote indoor
temperature sensor) instead of the temperature set-point. The LCD will also display
“IN” to indicate that the inside temperature is being displayed. When the
button is released, the LCD will return to the programmed temperature set-