When program 1 or 2 is operating, the
“PROG 1 or 2”
icon will be displayed
in the LCD.
The zone will continue to operate in the programmed setting until the
program is manually cancelled.
To cancel the program operation, press and hold the
button for 3 sec
onds. The zone will be restored to normal operation.
CANbus Interface
The CANbus interface is designed to communicate between the Dometic CCC 2
thermostat and a CAN (Controller Area Network) protocol generator. Refer to the
CANbus installation instructions for more information on installation and operation
of the CANbus.
Auxiliary Heat (Heat Pump Models Only)
Auxiliary heat operation will be activated when the measured temperature of the out
door temperature sensor is less than 30º F. If the system is equipped with a furnace,
the control will select
heating mode for the auxiliary heat source. Auxiliary
heat operation, once initiated, will have priority over a heat pump defrost cycle.
Auxiliary heat operation will be de-activated and the heat pump operation will re
sume when the temperature of the outdoor temperature sensor is higher than 35º F.
Stage Select - Two Air Conditioner/Heat Pump Units (Select Mod-
els) On 1 Zone
This system can be configured to run two air conditioner/heat pump units using the
same temperature set-point for controlling the comfort level in one zone. One unit is
designated as the primary stage and the other unit is designated as the secondary
stage. The power module boards in both units will use the same DIP switch selection
for the Zone (for example, both will be set to Zone 2). On the unit designated “sec
ondary” the power module board DIP switch identified as “Ext Stage” must be set
to the ON position in order to configure the power module board for the on-demand
secondary stage operation (in this example Zone 2 and Ext Stage DIP switches are
in the ON position). In this stage configuration, the CCC 2 thermostat temperature
set-point will be used for both the primary and the secondary stage air conditioner/
heat pump. Only one indoor temperature sensor is required for this configuration
and it must be installed in the power module board configured as the primary control.
The turn ON time for the compressors and fans will be controlled to ensure that com
pressors on the system start one-at-a-time. A minimum delay of 20 to 30 seconds is
required between compressor starts.
Stage Select - Dual Compressor Air Conditioner/Heat Pump (Se-
lect Models)
The Dometic CCC 2 thermostat will operate an air conditioner/heat pump unit with
two compressors. On dual basement air conditioner/heat pumps, a single power
module board is used to control the operation of two compressors in one air con
ditioner/heat pump. This system is designed to optimize comfort and operating ef
ficiency by providing an on-demand secondary stage of operation. The CCC 2 ther
mostat will allow the user to set the primary temperature set-point. The set-point
for the secondary stage is preset at a differential of 3 degrees Fahrenheit from the
primary temperature set-point (that is , +3º F. for cooling and -3º F. for heating).
In the cooling mode with the set-point set to 72º F., the primary air con
ditioner will cycle ON when the room temperature is ≥ 73º F. The secondary stage
compressor will cycle ON when the temperature is ≥ 75º F. In the heating mode with
the set-point at 72º F., the primary compressor will cycle ON when the temperature is
≤ 71º F. The secondary stage compressor will cycle ON when the room temperature
is ≤ 69º F.
Examples of times programmed